Chapter 46 - Thank the Force

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The sun in Coruscant just came up two hours ago

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The sun in Coruscant just came up two hours ago. Inside the Senate Hospital, Han and Leia and Chewie decided to get to their apartments to take a shower, change clothes and eat something, leaving Luke inside the room with Ines.

At that moment, Luke had fall asleep with his head resting on the bed, while his right hand kept holding Ines one.


Luke opened his eyes rubbing them and raised his head, adjusting to the light in the room

"Sorry, doctor. I think I fell asleep" he said and looked around, only to find himself alone in it. He was sure he heard his name being called.


He stood up all of the sudden. Someone was calling him. His eyes wide. He knew that voice. Approaching Ines, he closed his eyes.

My love is that you? He asked using the force bond he and Ines share. He could sense her. My love squeeze my hand if you can hear me, he asked as he watched their right hands holding each other.

His heart was beating fast and when he saw Ines fingers moved and squeeze his. Smiling he kissed her forehead with tears coming down his face.

"I knew it would work" he said and heading to the door of the room he called the doctor.

After a few minutes, the doctor who was treating Ines, appeared.

"What is wrong?"

"My wife just squeeze my hand. I asked her and she did it. Also she called me, more than once"

The doctor looked at him, not understanding

"We can communicated through the force. It is something we do" he explained "Does that mean the treatment worked, right?"

The doctor looked at the monitor and listening Ines lungs, and checking the baby's heart beat, she looked at Luke and smiled.

"The oxygen level got up, and heart beat is normal and the blood pressure got normal and the baby heart beat also is getting strong. Her lungs sound better. Your wife got through this, Mr. Skywalker. Thanks to you" she smiled when she saw Luke smiling and resting his forehead on her.

At that moment Leia and Han walked in, wearing new clothes.

"What is wrong?" Leia asked but when she saw her brother smiling she knew Ines would be okay and the twins just hugged each other laughing.

"You did it Luke" Han smiled and Luke hugged him.

"Thanks to you, my friend." Luke said nodding and he sighed. He was tired, after all he didn't sleep much, only an hour and he was still wearing his wedding suit.

"Go home, get a shower and eat something. We will stay here with Ines until you arrived" Leia smiled him

"I want to be here when she wakes up"

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