Chapter 98 - Old Rival

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Ines arrived at the Goodness Bride Shop, where she bought her wedding dress and was surprised to see that Leia, Iris, and 3PO weren't there yet.

Looking at the time she noticed she was on time.

"I guess I have to wait here," she said to herself but she didn't wait much longer alone, since a few minutes later she smiled when she sensed the two people she loved the most.

Turning around she laughed and she saw her gorgeous husband holding a very happy Ben, who was looking at Luke and clapping his little hands, screaming


Once they reached Ines, she kissed Luke on the lips, and then kissed her son's cheeks, making the baby giggled and grabbing his mother face he pressed his lips on her cheeks

"Are you trying to kiss me?" she asked him laughing

The baby smile and hid his face on his father neck, then looking down he pointing at R2

"Too." he pointing to him making the droid beeped.

Ines gasped and looked at Luke

"Did he said Artoo?"

"And he also called uncle Han, right baby?" Luke looked at him, making the baby look at his father, and screamed


That made Ines clap her hand which Ben imitate right away clapping his little hands.

"You are getting so big," she said

"Where are Leia and Iris?" Luke asked looking around

"Didn't arrive yet. I think she is getting ready for her wedding day." she laughed

"You didn't arrive that late." he winked at her and rest his left hand on her belly. "How are the three girls of my life?"

"We are fine actually. And that's right, we will be an advantage in the house. 3 girls against 2 boys." she laughed making Luke wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him

"For now." he rubbed his nose on hers.

"Hello!" they heard and Ines sighed. She knew exactly that voice.

Turning to her right she saw her.

"Hello, Anuska. I see you decided to stay in Coruscant after all"

"Yes. I love this, the stores, the life." she said smiling and look at Ben. "I can't believe this little one is this size already."

"They grow Anuska and it means he is a healthy baby." Ines told her smiling at her baby.

"That is a good thing." she said and looked at Luke smiling. "Hello Luke. I heard about the new Jedi Academy. I heard it is going well"

Luke glare at Ines and looked at her

"Thank you and yes it is going very well indeed"

"I'm so sad that I don't have that ability that you have. I'm sure I would be a great Jedi, don't you think?"

Luke was about to answer but Ines anticipate him

"Well Anuska I'm glad you don't have because with your personality probably you would have turned to the dark side in a second and that is not a good sign for sure"

Anuska looked at Ines and her smiled vanish from her face

"Are you saying I'm a mean person?"

"Do you think you're good? Mocking people because they have different tastes from you and especially vanity which is not things that the Jedi approve my dear. And you did that a lot, remember?"

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