Chapter 123 - Grandfather's visit

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The sun raise up the next day in Varykino in another warm day in the Island of the Lake Retreat.


Solo's Bedroom:

Leia woke up with a wince. Her two boys decided to wake up and didn't stop moving since, waking her up as well.

Looking at the time she sighed when she saw it was only 7:30 in the morning

"Well I was thinking waking up later today but I see you two decided to screw my plan." she whispered rubbing her 5 months pregnant belly smiling. Looking at her right she smiled at her husband that was still fast asleep.

Lucky one, she though and standing up slowly from the bed she went to the bathroom. Now she understood when Ines went to the bathroom every 5 minutes.

When she return to the bedroom, Han was already awake looking at her

"Let me guess, they woke you up." he smiled and sitting up he rest his hands on her belly and smiled feeling his boys move. Kissing her belly he spoke. "You know you two need to stop fighting in there"

"Well they are Solo's indeed." she laughed while ran her fingers through his hair

"What is that suppose to mean? You were a piece of cake too young lady." he said to her.

"Apparently you loved it so much that you decided to make with me two little versions of us." she smiled rubbing her belly

"And I can't wait to meet them." he told her and pulled her into a kiss. "Hungry?" he asked after they pull apart

"Starving." she said. "Should I check Luke and Ines?"

"Leave them enjoying their two new bundles of joy. I'm sure Luke will come out of the bedroom once they awake." Han told getting out of the bed and started to put his clothes

"What happened to Edmar's body?" she asked him

"Well when we got upstairs his body was still there. Luke asked them to at least have a proper funeral. After all he was his brother in law. I think Queen Naluma agreed." he said. "Did you informed the Senate already about what happened?"

"I will call them today. I know the Queen wants to speak with us in person, so I'm not surprise if she comes here the next couple of days."

"Let me ask the servants to make us the breakfast and check out our girl." he told

"Iris is in Luna's house remember, along side with Idda, Davi and Kino. They all slept there." Leia replied getting under the covers and rubbed her belly

"You know she is getting to close to that Kino boy. I'm not liking it." he looked at her making her smile

"Kino is a great kid and he is Luke's student so if our daughter ends up with a Jedi, I'm happy with that."

"That is the reason I didn't freak out sooner, because he is Luke's student"

"And they are still children. They are only 8 and 9. Just let the kids enjoy themselves as children. If they end up together it is the force wish and you know you can't do nothing about. Look at Luke and Ines and to us. Or you think the force had nothing to do it?"

Han walked closer to her

"You know I thought that was hokey religions and ancient weapons. Boy I was wrong."

"Yes you were." she kissed him. "Now food please. Your kids are starving."

"Our kids! Yeah right." he winked and left the bedroom.

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