Chapter 134 - Finding Alli

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Ines was heading towards the Senate Hospital with her brother and brother in law and Chewie right behind her. She knew something went wrong when she felt a disturbance in the force and felt Luke anguish, thinking that her baby got worst, but when Luke words ring in her head that their baby was taken, she almost faith, if it wasn't for Chewie to hold her.

Right now all she want was her baby. Reaching the entrance of the Hospital, the guard didn't allow her to enter

"I'm sorry Ma'am but the Hospital is on lock down."

"Let me in. I'm the mother of the baby that you let it being taken," Ines yelled at him, being held by Dan

"Calm down," he spoke to her and then look at the guard. "Let us in, we are the family"

"I need confirmation first" the guard said and standing aside he talked to his comlink, something that made Ines even more desperate.

"Calm down. You know she is here in Coruscant. No ship left the hangar or the system and now nobody is allow to leave it," Han said. "We will find my niece."

Chewie growled in sympathy making Ines hugged the Wookie.

After a minute the guard looked at them

"You can come in." he said stepping aside

"Finally." Ines said and ran inside and went upstairs.

The moment she entered in the floor, she saw Luke and ran towards him crying and wrapped her arms around his neck, while he pulled her closer to him, crying as well.

"I'm sorry babe. I should have known something was not right with that nurse."

Looking at him, tears fell down her face

"I want my baby Luke, please bring back our baby," she said crying

"I promise I will bring back our little Alli, Ines. I promise my love," he said with tears also rolling down his cheeks.

"She is still in Coruscant, Luke. No ship left and now no ship is allow to leave the planet," Han told him

"How did this happened?" Dan asked looking around. "How a secure hospital allow someone to take a baby and don't even question that person or check whose is that baby and if she is the mother."

"That is something we clearly going to change," the director of the Hospital spoke. "Mrs Skywalker we are doing everything to solve this situation and once again I'm sorry"

"Babe this is Dr. Jostle, the director of the Hospital."

"How could you allow some woman to be around in a nurse suit without even question if she really worked here? How dumb your people are," Ines said almost screaming.

Luke looked at the director with an apologetic looked on his face, which made the Togruta director nod. He knew she didn't meant it. It was a mother desperate to find her baby.

"But for her to be here she need to be register or something," Han looked at him

"Yes but we are sure the name and the info she gave were false." Luke said

"So there is not way to find out who took my niece," Dan asked to him. "Can't you find her with the force?"

"Is not how it works, Dan. I can sense her but I can't see where she is." Luke tried to explain.

Chewie growled upset

"Who is that woman?"

"Remember the nurse that was talking to Dr. Lina?" Luke asked her making Ines nod.

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