Chapter 143 - Arriving

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The Red 5 X-Wing just had land inside the Coruscant hangar. Climbing down the stairs, Luke sighed in relieve. It has being 7 days since he left and he missed it. Finally he was back home and he still had a lot to do, especially he had to tell and show what he learn to his sister and the Senate for sure. But right now what he wanted to do was so see his wife and kids. By that time he knew for sure she was in the Temple giving classes to his students.

Taking off his flight suit, and putting in the lower compartment of his X-Wing, he looked at R2 was already next to him.

"That's right. Finally we are home," he smiled at him when the droid beeped.

The moment he was leaving the hangar he saw someone that he couldn't believe that he could ever see him ever again, since he left Tatooine to go to he Academy like Biggs.

"Tank?" he called him

A young man around 27 years old, with brown hair and brown eyes turned around. The moment he saw who called him, his eyes wide open.

"NO WAY?!" Tank said and walking towards Luke, the two friends hugged each other laughing.

"What happened to you? I never heard of you since you left to the Academy" Luke said looking his friend. Along side with Biggs, Tank was one of his best friends too back in Tatooine. Fixer and Camie were his friends but he always spend more time with Biggs and Tank. When they left to the Academy he felt all alone back there.

"A lot of things happened my friend." he replied

"I thought you were dead," Luke told him. "You know being in the Academy and with the Empire."

"Oh yeah. I was a pilot there just like Biggs, but unlike Biggs I was scared to shift and go to the Rebellion. But after what happened with Alderaan, I couldn't be there anymore. I went to the Academy to be a pilot, not to be a murderer. So I left. But I was too scared to join the Rebellion, so I just went to Hosnian system and stay there. Of course I was happy when we all find out about the death of the Emperor. It was a really celebration."

"It was everywhere." Luke smiled

"I knew about Biggs. I saw his family when I went to Tatooine after the end of the empire and they told me about what happened," Tank said

Luke nod sadly.

"He was one of the heroes who parish during the Battle of Yavin. He was killed by one of the Tie Fighters right before I blew up the Death Star. I really wish he was here with us."

"Me too," Tank nod. "But speaking of which. Your name is legendary after that. When I heard that the name of the hero of the Rebellion was Luke Skywalker I thought: no way it can't be the same Luke. But it was."

"Well it was me but it could have being anyone. But how long you will be here?"

"A week or so."

"You know Fixer and Camie are here too. They will leave next week. I know, why don't the three of you will have dinner at my house. Maybe tomorrow night."

"I will love too. Be all together again," Tank smiled

"I only need to talk to my wife, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind," Luke said making Tank look at him

"Wait, what? Wife? You have a wife? The farm boy from a moister farm back in Tatooine is married? She is blind right," Tank said laughing making Luke smirked.

"Yes I am married and no she is not blind."

"Is she beautiful?"

"Gorgeous. And not only I'm married but I'm a father of three beautiful children as well."

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