Chapter 115 - Watching over

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Edmar heard noises from the Varykino Island. It looked like children laughing. He made sure to watched without being seeing, and with his electronic binoculars he watched the kids on the water below, playing and having some fun. He focus on his little sister and he couldn't help but smile. She was so much mature and older. The last time he saw her, she was this already beautiful 18 years old girl, and according to him maternity made her even more beautiful. He also saw his brother in law with his nephew on his arms playing in the water. Since the last time he saw Ines, and through all the 6 years that had passed, he didn't know what happened to her. He didn't know if she was fine. He never thought she would be a married woman and a mother, and he never thought that his brother in law was none other than Luke Skywalker, the enemy of the people he worked it.

He couldn't smile at the sight of his nephew. He was very cute kid and he could see that Luke was a great father and he could see that he loved his sister. The night of the wedding, he risked a lot to get on a boat and went to the Island. He was about to leave, when he heard voices and saw her with him. The way they hugged each other and the way they looked at each other and what they said towards each other, it showed to him, Luke loved his sister very much and they were expecting twins.

They looked to the direction of the mansion and he duck down, and went back inside the house. He knew that he needed to be more careful, or they would start to be suspicious that someone was there. He was hiding from everyone, including the Empire, since by now they would know they had being lying about Luke's lightsaber. He just hoped they didn't figure it out that he had giving to its previous owner.

He needed to talk to his sister and to his brother in law. There is some things he needed to tell them.

Walking inside the house, he went to the small room and smile when he saw a small holo of him and his family: His father Ken, his mother Alli, older brother Dan, himself and Ines.

He felt sorry every day for the fact that helped to killed not only his parents but his friends and his planet in general. But he couldn't allow that his 1 year old nephew to pay too. He remembered when he got the information to get out of the planet without questions and to not say to anyone. Deep inside he knew something bad was about to happened. His sister was not longer there. She had left doing something that she didn't want to tell him, probably something that Leia had tell her to do.

Alderaan, 6 years ago:

Edmar got out of his bedroom with his backpack on his left shoulder and was getting out of the room, he came across his older brother with his sister in law who was holding his 1 year old nephew on her arms, playing with a string of her long brown hair.

"Look is uncle Edmar." she said smiling, making the babe babble at him

"Where are you going?" Dan, his older brother asked him

"There is something I need to do and it can't wait."

"Now? It can't wait for tomorrow or something? What is happening today? First Ines left without saying anything, now you"

Edmar looked at his brother and then to his nephew who smiled at him with his big brown eyes.

"I need you to do something for me. If you want your son to live a long life, you will listen to me, and do what I tell, no questions ask. Promise me!"

Dan looked at him

"What are you talking about?"

"NO QUESTIONS! Get Gracy and Ken and leave right now. Go to this system and stay there until I contact you. Don't talk to anyone, don't say who you are, nothing. I promise I will contact you. But you need to do this, now. Gather as much as you can and go"


Gracy stopped her husband, somehow she sensed Edmar was serious about it.

"Dan, do what your brother is asking you. Please. Let's go. Please"

Dan looked at his wife and then to his son. Looking at Edmar, he nod and grabbing the information that Edmar had giving him, they watched Edmar running away.

Present Day, Varykino:

He did contact Dan and his sister in law in the planet he sent them and he was relieve that at least his brother was save. He didn't know if Ines was, now he knew she was. He was sure she didn't know their older brother was alive, and he needed to tell her that. He knew that their nephew and his parents would be save with her and her husband. But for that he needed to wait the right time.


Later that night:

Luke was outside, resting on the railing near the lake. They had dinner a while ago and the sun had set already. He had his eyes on the mountains ahead, specially in the direction of Palpatine's old country home. He had this feeling that someone was watching them for a long time. He didn't fear about him, but he was thinking of Ines and their children, especially because he remembered clearly what his father told him when Ines was still expecting Ben. That the Empire followers would try to do something to make sure his girls didn't born and he wouldn't allow that. No one would touch his wife and children and also he had to think of his students. After all they were becoming Jedi and that was not good for the followers of the Empire.

Sighing he smiled when he felt two arms behind him.

"A credit for your thoughts." he heard and turning around he wrapped his right arm around his wife body and pulled her closer to him, kissing her forehead

"Like you don't know what I was thinking." he giggled at her.

"You were thinking of that house." she said looking at it too. "You really think someone is there?"

"I don't know. It is a gut feeling. So tomorrow I will explore that with the kids" he told her

"Do you think it is safe to be there" she asked him. He knew she was worried for him and the kids "What if there is more than one?"

"I think it is just one person, but don't worried, I will be careful. But I need to know if I'm wrong or not. If someone is there and its hiding, I'm sure it is not one of ours for sure and I will not risk something bad happen to you and our sweet boy and to these little girls" he said resting his hand on her 24 weeks pregnant belly and smiling he leaned down and kissed it, laughing when he felt movement.

"Nice Skywalker. They were quiet until now" she laughed making he looked at her and pulling her closer to him

"I think you are jealous that I kiss them and not their mother" he winked at her

"Me? Jealous?" she said and smiled when he leaned forward

"Don't need to be jealous" he said before taken her lips into a deep kiss. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she ran her fingers on his blond hair and deepened the kiss.

Pulling apart Luke looked at her.

"Babe, I don't think it is good idea. I don't want to tired you or hurt you"

"Luke, I'm okay and Yolla said everything is fine and there is not a problem. Please, Luke. It had being a month since the last time." she said looking at him. "Don't you want me anymore?"

"Ines, you know that is not the case." he said. Running his hand on her hair, he kissed her again, letting a small moan when he felt her hand under his shirt, running down his back. He closed his eyes. He really wanted to make love to her, but she was so heavily pregnant now. But when Ines lip touched his neck he pulled her closer to him.

"I'm fine I swear." she told him

Looking at her, Luke smiled

"If I see you can't handle I will stop." he said and smiled at her. "The fact is I want you too"

Grabbing his hand Ines led them to their bedroom, where the couple made love slowly that night.

So we had a little flashback of the day Edmar left the planet and told his brother to leave. Will Luke find there?

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