Chapter 24 - First night together

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It has being 11 months since Lando and Chewie had left, and so far they didn't have any news about it

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It has being 11 months since Lando and Chewie had left, and so far they didn't have any news about it. During that time, Leia continue to leading the Rebellion, with stops in places, just like the past 4 years since the destruction to the first Death Star.

Luke had spent a few time in Tatooine, where he stood in Ben's Hutt and using some journals from his old Master, he was able to built a new lightsaber and stood there, taking time to training. He was different, was more mature and calm and he trusted the force way more. He also was helping Ines to use the force, making her feel the Force flow through her, like Master Yoda taught him back in Dagobah. She was getting good in that, to the point they could communicate mentally anytime they want it.

Their relationship was also getting stronger and more mature too. For the past 11 months, they became a strong couple, and when they had time, they used it by being with each other.

They didn't gave that first step yet, not they didn't want it. There was a time where they were in Ines bedroom as he was made her meditate. After a while they started to make out deeply, and Luke knew that if 3PO didn't knock on the door, he would have her that day. Maybe was for the best. He wanted her badly, but he also wish that she would also show that to him and if she was still not ready for that next step, he would respect her and wait as long as she wanted. He loved her and he knew she loved him back.

He had just returned from Tatooine and of course he was received by Ines with many kisses from her, which he missed so much. At that moment he was laying on his bed, looking to the ceiling. The fact that Lando didn't say anything yet, was not a good sign.

He turned to his left, trying to get some sleep, when there was a knock on the door. Raising his head from the pillow he wondering who was it, when he sensed her.

Getting up from the bed, he put his robe on and opened the door, smiling when saw Ines, on her nightgown and her long brown hair falling down below her breasts, looking beautiful.

"May I come in?" she asked him

"Of course" he said stepping aside letting her in, while he closed the door behind him. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes. I couldn't sleep. I can't stop thinking that it has being to long since Lando and Chewie left. Do you think something happened?"

Luke walked towards her and pulled her into his arms.

"I'm sure he is fine. Maybe Boba didn't arrived at Jabba's Palace yet"

"For almost a year? Where did he go to take so long?"

"I wish I had the answer my love, but I don't have" he smiled kissing her forehead.

"I know, but I know how Leia is worry too. She's trying to get her head focus on the Rebellion but I know my friend very well, to know she is suffering" Ines sighed and looked at him "In a way I know what she is feeling. Last year I almost lost you on Hoth."

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