Chapter 106 - The Day Before

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It was the day before the wedding and Luke and Leia's 25th birthday, since the wedding would happen on the same day, and Luke was outside, doing some of his techniques with his lightsaber, being watch closely by his students. They already had saw him training in the Temple, but this time Luke was not fighting holograms or training droids. He was just doing some movements, passing his lightsaber from one hand to another in every way, in the front, behind his back, spinning around and so on.

The students were taking every movement they could see. They knew that in a couple of days they were building theirs.

When he finish, he turned and smiled when his students clap. Walking towards them, he took a deep breath.

"That was so awesome Master Luke!" Nelah told him

"Thanks. Soon all of you will be the ones doing this." he told them

"I can't wait to have mine and to know what color will be my blade." Eqol told

"Well the Kyber Crystal will change color the moment each of you pick it according to your personality, so soon you all will know." he said. "You will know which color will end up with you, because the force will draw you to a specific Crystal and then you can see the color you get the moment you pick it up."

"It was how you have a green lightsaber?" Kino asked him

"My first Lightsaber was not mine to be honest. I didn't have to build any. An old friend and master gave it to me. It was my father's lightsaber."

"What happened to it?" Alena asked him

"He lost in Cloud City when Vader cut his hand." Qoli answered right away, making Luke looked at him

"How do you know that?"

"I'm doing some readings and there is a chapter of a book that talk bout it and how you escape Bespin." he replied, making Luke nod.

"So that is why you had to built this one." Yana told looking at his lightsaber

"What was the color of the first one?" Kino asked

"It was blue actually, which are the most common colors as you will see. Blue and Green. But when the time comes I will explained a little more about it."

"I like this one." Luna smiled. "I hope mine is green too, but if it is another color I don't mind either."

"That is a very wise thing to say Luna." Luke smiled at him.

Han came near them with a smile.

"Am I interrupting?"

"Not it all." Luke said. "You can go and eat your lunch." he told them and they all left inside. Looking at Han, Luke smiled.

"So, ready for tomorrow?"

Han nod and walking towards the railway and bend over it, he looked at the landscape: the mountains and the lake.

"Honestly I can't wait." he told him and looked at his future brother in law. "I can't wait to officially make Leia mine, and to raise our daughter and our boys. A lot of things changed in 6 years, Luke, and I never thought that meeting you, Ines and that old fossil." he said laughing making Luke laugh too. "and those droids, would change my life so much. I went through a lot Luke, but I think I finally find my way, and I'm glad that I returned."

"I'm glad too Han. You are a great friend. We bickered a lot when we met, you, Ines and myself, but like I told you, I knew you would've come. You are a good friend Han and not only I'm lucky to call you my best friend but my brother in law." he smiled at him. "Did you write your vows already?"

"I don't know what to write. I just know what to say when I see Leia and I can't wait to see her!"

"Her dress is beautiful. My life change too. I lost my uncle and aunt, and I thought I was all alone, then I lost Ben and my great friend Biggs. But I gained another great friend in you and Chewie, a twin sister in Leia, which I never thought of that, and I met my wife and the mother of my children. I was not alone in this universe all along."

"We went through a lot, right kid?"

"That is true." he told

Han looked at him

"Do you think we still have a lot to come in the future?"

"Yes I do."

"Is Ines still have those dreams?"

"Yes. The other night she woke up screaming. She only calm down in my arms. I'm start to get worried because of the babies. She is caring twins now,"

"But what is she dreaming about?"

"She tells is the same dream over and over. She is a planet that we weren't there before and she keeps seeing a 7 year old boy, playing in the black sand with a rebel toy. She keeps saying that boy is her nephew."

"So she thinks that someone from her family, besides that Edmar is also alive?" Luke nod at Han. "And what do you think? Do you think it is something to investigated or is just a dream?"

"She is dreaming the same thing over and over again. This is not just a dream Han. I believe that in a way is her, well our nephew calling her. The question is, if her other brother survived, why he didn't say anything right now. It has being 6 years now. Something happened that we don't know yet." Luke looked at Han. "And don't forget that Edmar is still missing. We don't know where he is."

"Leia thinks that he found out he was discovered by the Republic, and he is hiding somewhere." Han told him

"He is around, I'm sure. I know sooner or later, he will try to contact Ines."

"What will you do if that happened?"

"I don't know Han. Ines almost was accuse of treason because of him. You heard when Ines told what happened the day we met. He was clearly trying to keep Ines in Alderaan. So that means something."

"What? Do you think that Empire was trying to keep Ines there so she could die and with that she would never have meet you?"

"Exactly. I believe the Emperor knew about the fact that Ines and I would end up together. How? I don't know. But I really want to find my brother in law. And I feel we will see him soon."

Luke looked at the landscape. Somehow he felt that encounter would happen pretty soon. He just hope nothing bad would happen during that.


A little far from the Lake Retreat, in an abandoned mansion, a young man was trying to make his presence hid. He has being watching the movement in the Lake Retreat the last weeks. He knew some kind of wedding would happened, but what he hit him in the heart was the fact that he saw someone that he didn't see for 6 years: his younger sister Ines.

It is the day before the wedding and Luke's students are about to built their lightsabers. Also Han and Luke having a brotherly moment and in fact Luke is right. Edmar is close, very close.

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