Chapter 94 - Inauguration Ceremony

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Today was the big day: the day that the New Jedi Academy would be open.

The day came with a lot of work. Luke and Ines, woke up earlier, got them and Ben ready, they left towards the Temple with R2 to get everything ready for the afternoon inauguration. Luckily the families of the students, alongside with Aurea helped to get everything okay. Han and Leia, appeared in the middle the morning with the Naberries and Iris and Chewie and 3PO.

The younger students loved the Wookie, especially when he picked them up and hanging around on his shoulders.

"Okay everything is ready, right?" Luke asked

"Yes. When the catering arrive?" Aurea asked them.

"Around 1400 hours, kid. Which gives us plenty of time to get back home, get ready and then return in time." Han told them

"Well Luke and I decided that we going to eat and get ready here. We don't have time to get back in the house, so we brought everything we needed, we have showers here. And we prefer to be here when the catering arrive."

"Okay then we go home and get ready and we will come when we finish everything." Leia told, grabbing Iris hand.

"And don't worry, everything will be fine." Jobal smiled and hugged her grandson.

This time they decided that they would be in Han and Leia's apartment and they were loving knowing their new great granddaughter.


The hours passed and the catering crew arrived just in time with the food and drinks that the guests would serve when they arrived. The senate would be there of course.

All the students and their families were dressed already, as well as Aurea.

Luke appeared wearing a dark blue pants and black boots, and wearing a long blue with golden embroidering. His hair was wet since he had just took a shower, and was holding a very happy Ben who was wearing a similar outfit as his father, holding the chewing toy on his left hand and his X-Wing toy on his left.

Luke Coat:

He smiled when he looked to his 7 students who were there

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He smiled when he looked to his 7 students who were there. There were 3 students that needed to be there with that his class would be complete.

"You look prime, Master Luke." Ieneh told

"Totally." Alena

"Prime?" he said laughing. "I think need to catch up with these new words".

"I think you look like a Jedi Master I have to say." Qoli spoke.

Ines was right, this young kid was the polite kind and totally by the book type of kid. The one who barely spoke was Nelah. The 12 years old Tw'lek barely said any word since they arrived. She was the type of kid that you need to conquer her confidence first.

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