Chapter 81 - Freedom Day

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It was Freedom Day, the 1st anniversary of the fall of the Empire and the death of the Emperor. Many systems were celebrating the day and Coruscant was not different.

The day came out with rockets throwing in the air and parades all over the city.

The Senate was decorated to celebrate the day that democracy return to the galaxy and Admiral Ackbar did a great speech opening the ceremonies that would start all day, that would end with a big dinner reception in the two gardens near the Senate, the same ones where was the wedding of Luke and Ines.

Luke, Han and Chewie offered themselves to help preparing the tables for the night dinner celebration that was set to start at 2000 hours.

"General Solo! Master Skywalker! Chewbacca!" General Nadine saw them and shook their hands

"General" Han called

"Thank you for helping us to set these tables and chairs and get everything ready for later"

"No problem General." Luke replied and Chewie growled too

"A year ago, we were pretty busy at this time" General Nadine said making the guys nod

"I can't believe it already passed a year since the Battle of Endor" Han told. If felt like yesterday that he had do deal with those furry creatures, who in the end actually were pretty helpful.

"That's right. At this time we were in the sky during that battle near the Death Star" General Nadine told "What about you Master Skywalker"

Luke sighed. A year ago he lost his father too, but he didn't want to think about it

"I was inside that Death Star with my at the time girlfriend, who was pregnant, and was tight to Emperor chair while I was dueling with Darth Vader." Luke said

"Great stories to tell. Especially to your kid"

Luke smiled and nod.

"Well General the place is done. We will get home to get ready" Han told and shaking the General hand, they all left to their apartment, to get ready.

"Today will be a fun day actually. Having a little fun" Han said while Chewie growled

"I agree with you and the place is actually very nice" Luke said as they entered in the building.

"We will have some fun cause we deserve it kid." Han pat his shoulder "See you in 1900 hours?"

"Sure, Ines and I will be at your apartment at that hour and we will go all together to the dinner" Luke nod as Han left to his apartment and Luke went to his.


Few hours later:

Luke got out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and his Ben on his arms wrapped in his baby towel. Father and son had just take a nice bath together, something that Luke loved to do every time he had a change.

Ines entered, with her hair done, but still wearing a robe and holding two outfits from their baby:

"Here which one: the blue one or the gray one?"

Luke looked at them.

"How about we asked him" he smiled as he got closer to her and looked at his boy "Which one do you want to look all beautiful?" he asked to him that looked at his father with his big blue eyes.

"Which one baby" Ines said and smiled when Ben looked at her and smiled, like he didn't care. "We going with the gray one, it looks good on him, it makes his beautiful blue eyes pop out" she said and kissed his chubby little cheeks making the baby smile and giggle.

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