Chapter 48 - The bartender

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It was around 2000 hours, Luke already had ate something at the Senate Hospital cantina, and right now he was laying next to Ines, while she was asleep, waiting for the time to meet Han, Chewie and Wedge at the entrance of the place

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It was around 2000 hours, Luke already had ate something at the Senate Hospital cantina, and right now he was laying next to Ines, while she was asleep, waiting for the time to meet Han, Chewie and Wedge at the entrance of the place.

Having his eyes close, he had his right hand on her back, and reaching down with the force, he was checking her lungs, sighing in relief to see her lungs were now totally free of any parasites and full recovered, which meant she could be home tomorrow, which he hope so, he was tired of sleeping alone in their bed.

Opening his eyes, he smiled running his right thumb on her left finger, feeling her engagement and wedding ring.

"My wife." he whispered, and running his right hand, he played with a string of her long brown hair, that he loved so much. He remembered the time when they left the trash compactor, and her hair fall down her back when she removed the bonnet from her disguise suit. Smiling he remember clearly her shirt pulled up and revealing her flat belly and he thought how great her body was. The same body that he claimed for himself 4 years later, inside the Rebel Cruiser. She was nervous and scared that night, and he made sure to be gentle with her. Reaching her belly, he rubbed it. It was that night they conceived their baby. Han was right, it was right on target but he wouldn't change it for anything.

He pressed his lips on her forehead. R2 beeped, making Luke looked at the droid, and looking at the little translator he had on his right wrist, he smiled

"Yes R2, she is fully recovered. Her lungs are fine now"

Droid beeped again.

"I hope so too. I also want her at home as soon as possible"

"Well if tomorrow her exams show what I think it will, she can go home right away." the doctor said, making Luke get up right away. "Oh no, you can lay down. I have to say, I have treated many husbands and wives over the years, saw their pain when sadly I can't save their love ones, or the joy when the opposite happens, but I have to say, be able to be your wife doctor and be able to recovered her, had a special place. You must remember I was surprise when you said your last name. I was not fan-girly or anything. It just, I realize I had the wife's life of the responsible for the fall of the emperor in my hands and I had to do whatever I could to save her. And the reason was, my parents were murdered by Darth Vader."

Luke sighed when he heard that name, but the doctor continue.

"They simple didn't want to what they always thought was wrong. They believe in the democracy. So they were always against the Emperor, and they payed with their lives when he discovered they were protecting a young Jedi that survived the purge. Somehow the Emperor discovered and sent his right hand and he killed the poor kid and my parents for refusing to give him away. So when we got the news the Emperor and Darth Vader were dead, and the Empire had fall, I celebrated like everyone else. You, in a way, brought back the freedom we didn't have for 23 years, so it was an honor taking care of your wife and baby"

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