Chapter 120 - Taken

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10 weeks later:

Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. 10 weeks had passed since the Leia's and Ines's pregnancy check up in Theed. At the moment Leia's had reached her 6 months of her pregnancy. Her belly was getting a lot bigger and her babies were very active ones, kicking a lot in her womb, something that she never had experience before and deep inside she loved it. Han and Iris were both excited every time they saw the belly move.

Ines had reached a full term of her pregnancy. Reaching her 38 weeks, Yolla had inform that from now on she could get in to labor any second. Since the check up, that she had rest way more than usual, only making small walks with Luke, resting every once in a while.

At that moment, she was heading towards the top of the stone stairs that lead to the shore near the river where two boats were being loading with luggage. It was minutes after lunch, and Yana, Eqol, Qoli, Alena, Ieneh and Nelah were heading back to the Theed, with Luke and Han, to pick the transportation ship that would take them to their systems and their families, for a month and half.

Luna would stay since it was her home, and Idda, Davi and Kino would also stayed with them, since in a month they would all be back to Coruscant so their families agreed to let them stay and returned with Luke and Ines.

Right now, the colleagues were saying goodbye towards each other, with hugs. For almost a year they became all a big family and saying goodbye, even if it was only for more than a month, were getting hard and sad.

Leia was standing next to Ines, who had Ben in her arms. The 17 ½ month old boy was paying attention to everything.

"See you in a month and half guys." Ines said smiling.

Nelah looked at her and hugged her

"I wish I could stay." she said making Ines looked at Luke and smile.

"Me too." Eqol nod and everyone nod in agreement

"Don't you miss your families? It is being more than 6 months since you last saw them. I'm sure they miss you very much." Leia asked them

"Of course we miss them. A lot." Ieneh said

"But we also love to be here." Alena replied. "This reminds a little bit of my planet and I love it."

"Besides we love being here with all of you." Yana nod, trying to wipe the tears from her eyes.

"I'm trying to convince my family to move to Coruscant." Qoli informed them

"Lucky one." Alena said

"The fact that you wish you could stay it really means a lot to me and to Master Luke. It means you like us. And we like you too. But don't you want to show your families your lightsabers and what you can do?" Ines asked them

Luke came up the stairs and looked at his Padawans

"Master Ines and I are very proud of you and what you accomplish in less than a year. Soon new students will arrive and I count on you to help us to guide them."

Everyone looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

"We will call when we get there." Yana said and hugged Ines and kissed Ben cheeks. "Bye bye Ben"

"By Ana." the toddler said waving his left hand at her

"He said my name." Yana said smiling

"Of course. He spends a lot of time with all of you." Ines smiled as he raised his arms towards his father who picked him up.

Han came up the stairs

"Everything is ready kid"

Luke nod and kissed Ines and Ben's cheeks

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