Chapter 158 - What now?

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Luke, Han and Chewie were heading back home. They still was taking the information Dex told them. They don't know what to say or do. Han kept looking at Luke, who was in silence the whole journey. Grabbing his arm, Han had enough with the awkward silence

"Hey Luke. How are you feeling kid. Say something!" he told him.

Chewie growled looking a Luke, who looked back at him and then to Han. Shaking his head, Luke head himself towards a nearby bench and sat down, being followed by Han and Chewie.

"What is troubling you kid?"

"You know we need to tell this to the Senate. Because if there is a clone version of me out there doing bad things, they need to know it is not me."

"True. But is not that what is troubling you. Right?"

Luke looked at his brother in law and nod.

"No. It is not really troubling me, but what will happen when I see him. One thing is looking myself in the mirror. Other is seeing another Luke face to face. A few years younger Luke, who is evil."

Han looked at Chewie.

"Hey you are not evil and that clone is not you. It is an another Luke, that was made out of your hand and being with them, I'm sure they did everything to make him evil. We know the real you Luke."

"Will you? Dex and Hermione didn't. They thought it was me."

"Dex and Hermione didn't live and know you for 6 and a half years now." Han said patting his left shoulder, "You are not alone Luke."

Smiling towards his friends, Luke nod.

"Come let's see the girls. They need to know." and they stood up and head back home.


Solo's apartment:

Leia and Ines were now in the living room, sitting on the couches, both breastfeeding one of their babies, while the other twin was on their bouncing chairs, on the floor, sucking their pacifiers as they started to closed their eyes, having their bellies already full. Iris was taking a nap on her bed, while Ben was laying on the couch, next to his mother taking his afternoon nap as well.

Ines watching at Leia who was breastfeeding Anakin, smiling as her sister in law was playing with his little hand while her 6 weeks old baby was happily sucking on her left breast. Looking down at her sweet Alli, she smiled when the 5 months indicated she was already satisfied.

"Done?" she said and covering her right breast, she sit her daughter and helped her burped by tapping gently her back. "How is breastfeeding is going for you?"

Leia looked at her and smile.

"The first days were difficult because they didn't grabbed the nipple the right way, but now I love it. It's a moment between me and them and nobody else."

"I know what you mean. It is one of the things I missed so much, was breastfeed." she said and laughed when Alli burped.

"Han is right. Your kids burped like you," Leia laughed.

"And fart like their father," Ines replied and both women started to laughed, not so loud so they would not wake the kids.

Rest Alli on her chest, Ines put her pacifier and rubbing her back she tried to put the little baby to take her nap.

"So how was the visit of you guys to Joel's grave?" Ines asked resting her left cheek on the top of her daughter's head.

Helping Anakin to burped, Leia looked at Ines and sighed.

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