Chapter 102 - Learning with Han

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4 weeks later:

Han was standing, facing the class, along side with Chewie. Luke was next to him, while Ines was sitting down. Being 16 weeks pregnant already of twins, her belly was well round now, and the babies already started to kick, which being two, sometimes Luke used to tell her laughing that it seem their girls were having a battle inside their mother.

Facing his students, Luke started to talk.

"Like I already told you, today we have the special guest to answer your questions. But especially about what happened during the Battle of Endor." he looked at them.

"So you know the rules. If you want to make a question, raise your hand. Is that okay?" Ines asked them

"Yes Master Ines." they said all together.

Luke looked at Han and pat his arms

"They are all yours?" and sat down next to Ines, who was rubbing her belly, like she always did, when she was expecting Ben.

Han looked at Chewie who growled and nodding he face the students.

"Alright, what do you want to ask?"

As usual Qoli was the first who raise his hand, making Luke smirked. Of course the first one to make a question was him

"Yes kid." Han said

"What did you feel when you were frozen in carbonite?" the already 12 years old boy from Elrood asked him.

Han swallowed and looking at Qoli he replied

"Well, I don't think I felt much, because it was so fast. One second I was in that frozen chamber in Bespin, and all of the sudden was in the Jabba's Palace floor, blind, and suffering from hibernation sickness. One of them was the temporarily blindness"

"It must be really scary going down, not knowing if you would survive or not." Nelah spoke with a scary face.

"General Solo." Davi asked. "Why did you return to help Master Luke during the Battle of Yavin?"

Han looked at Luke and then back to Davi

"I think that friendship was important than some credits. That is why I returned and I'm glad I did. Besides there were two people who were pretty good to convince me" he winked at Ines and at Luke who smiled at him.

"But you knew that doing that you had a price on your head which that is the reason you end in carbonite." Yana replied

"You got a point in that." Han said and Chewie growled.

"General Solo." Ieneh asked. "Is it true that you were captured by tiny little furry creatures in Endor?"

Han looked at Luke who tried to hold a laugh.

"They were to many"

"But they were little." Kino said giggling

"Never underestimate those furry creatures. Me, Chewie and Leia saw them beating storm troopers and AT-ST walkers with logs and bow and arrows and everything they had from the forest." he said making Luke nod and Chewie growled at that.

"It is also true that Senator Leia was tough to handle?" Idda asked with giggled

"You have no idea. Imagine having to deal with her and some other girl I knew after the Battle of Hoth."

"Hey." Ines said. "I was very quiet if you didn't decided to make some suicide decisions like flying through an asteroid field"

"It helped us didn't it?" He asked

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