Chapter 52 - A father's message

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Luke made Ines sat down, and holding her face between his hands, he talked to her in a calm voice.

"My love, you need to calm down. Your stress is making the baby stress too. He is feeling it and that is why he is moving so much right now. Look at me"

Ines opened her eyes and locked them on her husband's eyes.

"Focus on me, and on my voice. Breath. Let the force flow through you. Let it calm you down" he spoke on a calm voice, holding her closer to him.

Little by little Ines started to calm down.

"That's it my love. Breath." He said stroking her cheeks with his thumbs "How are you feeling now?"

Ines looked at him, taking deep breaths. The images were still vivid in her memory. What was killing her was how she could tell Luke what she saw? He would suffer, probably more than her. But she had to tell him. She couldn't not lie about this.

"What happened? What did you see? Ines tell me" he asked her, which made more tears rolled down her face.

"I know what happened to the Jedi here on the temple. I know who killed them. Luke, you will not like it"

Luke gasped. Since the beginning he had a feeling about who was behind the death of the Jedi in the temple, but he always hope it was something else. Now he was sure, it was what he afraid off.

"Take me home Luke. Please, I want to go to our home" she asked.

Nodding, Luke helped her to stand up and Ines grabbed the info disk.

"R2, let's go" Luke called as he grabbed the book and they had to their apartment.


They entered inside their apartment, Luke sat Ines on the couch, heading towards the kitchen, grabbing a glass with water, and walked back to the living room.

"Here, drink it" he handed the glass, which she took and started to drink, while he looked at her, rubbing his right hand on her hair, and his left was rubbing her belly.

Looking at the small disk on top of the table, he looked back at Ines

"What is that?"

"It is an info disk. My father use a lot of this to record things. What I saw is in there"

"Where was it?"

"It was in a hidden compartment. I don't know who put it there and how they got the info, especially inside the Emperor office. Luke, you will see the moment your father became Darth Vader and why"

Luke looked at that disk. He always wanted to know the moment his father turned. Now that all of that info was at a simply click, would be able to see it?

Ines knew what he was thinking.

"I'm here by your side" she looked at him and with a nod, Luke press the button and the holo that Ines had saw in the Temple played again.

Luke gasped when he saw his father helping killing the Jedi and when the scene of him inside that room with the younglings, Ines turn away. She couldn't watch that again.

Luke press the button. He couldn't watch anymore. Standing up he left the room and head to the veranda of the apartment, sitting down looking at the sunset.

No wonder Ines felt all that pain. Seeing kids being murdered was horrible enough for anyone, especially being pregnant, and knowing the one who did it was her own father in law.

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