Chapter 43 - The Party

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Author Note: The song Luke and Ines dance, is a song from the Portuguese singer Nuno Ribeiro feat Ainoa Buitrago – Por Ti

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Author Note: The song Luke and Ines dance, is a song from the Portuguese singer Nuno Ribeiro feat Ainoa Buitrago – Por Ti. The song is in Portuguese and Spanish.

The party was in the other garden near the Senate Plaza. The round tables were all decorated with the flowers, and lights of many colors above them. On the edge of the reception party there was a band that was playing some nice music, and on the other side, a long table with the food and in the center the wedding cake, decorated with blue and green frosting, as a tribute to Luke and Ines lightsabers, which made Ines and Luke smile, and on the other edge was an open bar.

As the sun started to set and the lights illuminate the place, everyone was having a good time.

As the music was playing, people kept talking, some of them were sitting on their tables eating, others were at the bar, others were at the food table, holding their plates, choosing the food they wanted to eat.

Luke and Ines were at the food table, choosing the food they wanted. Ines had taking out the veil, so it wouldn't stand in the way. Luke had some food on his plate, when Ines grabbed a type of dark brown bread

"Babe, that Wyvern Bread. You don't like that bread, eat that one, it is your favorite"

"But that Wyvern is really making me want to eat it" she said grabbing a piece and eat it, "It taste so good"

Luke looked at her smiling.

"But you always hate it"

"Well I think our Ben loves it because I can't stop eat it." she replied eating another piece, making Luke laugh

"I will never understand pregnancy"

"Neither do I, and I'm the one carrying your child" she smiled, when Wedge appeared near them

"Hey, look it is the bride and groom. I have to say, the party is amazing. The food is delicious" Wedge said to them

"I'm glad you are enjoying my friend" Luke pat his shoulder. Seeing Lando passing nearby, Luke called him "Hey Lando"

Lando smiled with a glass of Cider Rage and approached them "Hey, it is the new married man and his bride." he said and looked at Ines "I told you he wouldn't take his eyes from you with that dress"

Ines nod, not saying anything since she had a mouth filled with Wyvern Bread, a food she hated since she was a little girl, and now she couldn't stop eating it.

"I have to thank you actually. She looked stunning" Luke agreed looking at his wife smiling at her. For him she looked beautiful no matter what she wore tonight. She looked amazing right now with her mouth stuffed with a food she always detested.

"Where is Han?" Lando asked

Ines pointed to the dance floor.

On the dance floor Han was holding Leia, while they were dancing.

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