Chapter 126 - Dan, Gracy and Ken Talia

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The Talias: Dan, Gracy and Ken Talia

The Talias: Dan, Gracy and Ken Talia

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Dan Talia couldn't believe that his baby sister was there, with him. He kept holding her tightly. He missed her. For the last 6 years he didn't know what had happened to her. If she had returned to their planet and died when it was destroyed, if she had escape and was out there somewhere alone, hiding too and needed help.

But apparently she was doing great.

Pulling apart he looked at her and wiping the tears from her face, he couldn't help but looked at her. She was not longer that 18 years old girl the last time he saw her. She was now this mature, more beautiful 24 years old young woman.

"You've grown." he couldn't help saying with a laugh

"So did you." she laughed back at him before he pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head

"I was so worried about you. I didn't know if you were alive or dead."

"I'm okay. A lot of things happened in my life these 6 years that I need to tell you." she told him smiling.

"Dan, sweetheart." they heard behind them.

Looking over her brother's shoulder, Ines smiled when she saw her sister in law holding a small boy around 7 years old, near her.

Gracy Talia looked at her husband and the young woman he was holding in his arms. At first she was wondering who was that young woman that her husband was hugging, then approaching them, she gasped when she realize who she was. With tears rolling down her face, she called

"It can't be? Ines, is that really you?"

"Hello Gracy."

Smiling, she ran towards Ines and the sisters in law hugged each other, laughing and crying at the same time.

Pulling apart Gracy admired her sister in law.

"My Goodness you are so beautiful. You already were but, you turned into a stunning woman."

"Well you didn't change much. Continue to be beautiful as always." Ines told making her laugh.

Looking at the small boy, Ines smiled at him. He was big but she knew it already from her force-dreams.

Looking behind her, Gracy called her son

"Come here sweetheart. Let me introduce you to your aunt."

The 7 years old boy, approached his parents and looked at her.

"Hello, I'm your aunt Ines. You may not remember me but the last time I saw you, you were still a baby." she smiled at him, running her right had on his light brown hair and looked at her brother and sister is law. "He is so beautiful."

Grabbing Ines hand, Gracy smiled at her son

"He's getting to big. Do you believe that he wants to be like his hero."

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