Chapter 57 - Naboo

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A/N: Naluma is a tribute to the character Naluma Fau from the great story The Jedi Reborn, written by a great friend of mine SapphireAlena

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A/N: Naluma is a tribute to the character Naluma Fau from the great story The Jedi Reborn, written by a great friend of mine SapphireAlena. Please go read her story and review it cause is so amazing, trust me.

Naboo was a planet that was the sector capital of the Chommell sector in the Mid Rim, near the border with the Outer Rim Territories. The planet had an unusual plasma core, and its surface was a largely unspoiled world with large plains, swamps and seas.

The ship, landed in the hangar of Theed, the capital of Naboo.

Luke stood up from his cockpit chair and helped Ines standing up, smiling and kissing her forehead.

She sensed he was nervous and she couldn't blame him for it. It was the first time they were on Naboo. Her father was here once and she only knew that Naboo was also the Emperor's home planet, although he didn't care much about it.

"Are you okay?" she asked him

Luke nod.

"Nervous. It is the first time I'm here and I don't know what to expect. I've always thought about my mother, who was she? How does she look like? What happened to her? Now I know and not only that, I found out that my grandparents are also alive. What they will think of me? Do they know what my father did?"

Ines smiled at him and ran her fingers through his hair

"They will be proud of you my love. I'm sure. Your mother always fought against the Empire and the Emperor. She was the founder of the Rebellion, that her son fought for, became Commander and helped to destroyed the Emperor and the Empire."

Luke smile. He hope they would think that.

"We better go. Queen Naluma, is waiting for us"

Nodding, they left the ship, while Luke was grabbing their luggage, being followed by R2!

"I wonder if Mr. Hatickson is still alive?" Ines said all of the sudden. They were walking a little slow, due to her condition.


"He was from Alderaan. Very nice man. He and his wife, never had kids, so they used to give a lot of presents to me and my brothers. They kind of took us as their own grand kids or something. I'm sure they are on their 70's now. They left Alderaan when I was 7 and moved here."

Luke smiled. He always loved to hear stories from her childhood, just like she always loved to hear his.

They reached the entrance of the big stairs of the Naboo Palace, where two guards were guarding the place.

Luke and Ines looked at each other

"Excuse me. I'm Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. This is my wife Jedi Knight Ines Skywalker and Queen Naluma is expecting me" he informed

The guard looked at him

"One moment please" and climbed down the stairs, while the other one stood there, watching at Luke and Ines, and gave a glare to the lightsabers Luke had on his belt. Since Ines was so pregnant, lately she wore dresses, and since it didn't have a place for her to strap the lightsaber, Luke always had his and hers on his belt.

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