Chapter 38 - Coruscant

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Coruscant was covered by sprawling kilometers-high ecumenopolis, and boasted a population of over a hundred billion

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Coruscant was covered by sprawling kilometers-high ecumenopolis, and boasted a population of over a hundred billion. Coruscant was known to have the tallest buildings in the Galaxy. Coruscant skyscrapers dwarfed all the original natural features, including mountains, as well as floors of oceans which once covered a large portion of Coruscant's surface. Below the skyscrapers was Coruscant's undercity, where sunlight never reached. Artificial lighting illuminated these lower levels and advertisement holograms could be seen everywhere. There were numerous establishments for entertainment, catering to a myriad of alien species. The residents were collectively referred to as Twilighters.

The Millennium Falcon just dock on the ships hangar, and everyone got out and went outside. It as being a while since Leia and Ines had being there.

"I forgot how busy this planet was" Ines said looking up with all the ships flying around.

Luke was looking around. It was the first time he was there. The 4 years he was in the Rebellion, they were never in there, because it was the system were Palpatine has his headquarters and was the center of the Empire. Now that it was all over, it was the right place to started the New Republic.

There was still evidences of the celebrations of last night. It was here that the Jedi Temple and the Jedi Archives Library stood and he hope the new Senate would allow him to visit and learn everything he could to create a new Jedi Order.

"So where will we meet them?" Has asked them

"In the Senate Building" Leia replied to him

"And how do we get there?" Luke asked. He was really lost in this city but he would get used too.

"We get one of these transportations that would take us there honey" Ines answered him, by grabbing his hand, they head to the transport that took them to Senate.

Located in the heart of the Senate District, the building was situated at the end of a large, flat concourse known as the Avenue of the Core Founders, A massive drum-shaped building boasting a shield-shaped dome with a diameter of more than two kilometers, the Senate Building appeared in front of them.

Luke had a mixing of feelings. He was in the place where Master Yoda, Ben and his father were most of their lives, and now he was there and like them he wanted to live there too, with Ines and raise their future children in that place.

As they entered the building, they had to the room that once was the Chancellor office, where Senator Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar were already waiting for them.

Once they all entered in the office, Mon Mothma hugged Leia and Ines.

"Glad to see you two" she said and shook the hands of the Luke, Han, Lando and Chewie "Thanks to all of you everything went as plan. Democracy is back in the Galaxy."

"What happens now?" Leia asked

"We decided to call you here, because we are here from earlier hours and with the death of the Emperor and the fall of the Empire, the senate had decided to create a New Republic." Admiral Ackbar informed them. "There are a lot of systems in our side but there are others who still are in over possession of the empire and we need to gather anyone to help them."

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