Chapter 11 - Finding Luke

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Ines went throughout the base, looking around asking if Luke had arrived from his circle. Everyone shook their head, not knowing where he was, other saying he didn't arrived yet. It already passed an hour. Luke should be there by now.

What was worrying her was the fact she couldn't feel him. And that meant only two things: or he was dead or unconscious. She prayed it was the last option.

She decided to check the South Entrance in time to see Han looking around, until he was approached by Deck Officer.

"Commander Skywalker hasn't come in the south entrance" he told him "Maybe he forgot to check in"

Han knew would never do that. Something did happened!

"Not likely" he said.


Turning around he saw Ines. Of course she would be there.

"Ines. I know. Luke didn't return yet from his circle"

"I know. Something bad happened to him" she told him.

Han looked at her with a serious expression on his face. If he was already worried, now he over the top worried.

"What do you mean bad?"

"I'm not sure but I can feel he is unconscious or..." she didn't want to finish that sentence "Please believe me. Something bad happened to him"

Han knew Ines and that strange connection she and Luke share from the beginning, and if she felt Luke was in danger than he believed in her.

"I do believe you kid" he pat her shoulder and looking at the Deck Officer he asked "Are the speeders ready?"

"Not yet? We're having trouble adapting them to the cold"

"Then I'll have to go out on tauntauns" he replied heading to a tauntaun, being followed be Ines.

"The temperature is dropping too rapidly" he informed him

"That's right, and my friend's out in it" he said climbing on top of one.

"Han! Be careful!" He smiled at her

"Your tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker"

"Then I'll see you in hell" he told him and looking at Ines, he sighed

"I'll bring him back, Ines. I promise"

Ines nod. She trusted him Han, he was a good friend. As Han left the base she sighed in relief, Luke was alive, she knew it.


Somewhere in a cave in the middle of nowhere, Luke regain consciousness, realizing he was upside down. Trying to looked where he was, he tried to free himself but somehow his feet was frozen and he couldn't do anything. Sighing he tried to find a way to get out of that situation. He was sure someone was already trying to find him and the image of Ines was the first that came into his mind. How he wish he could have her in his arms right now. He would not deny anymore his love for her, and he was sure she was worried, and he was hoping she could feel he was alive. Looking to his right he saw his lightsaber stuck in the ice a few meters from him. He tried to reach it, but it was still too out of reached.

"Damn it" he thought to himself.~


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