Chapter 55 - Telling Han!

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Luke was leaving the ice cream store. For the past week, Ines was begging him to buy the new ice cream that she saw in a new promotion: The Green Saber which was a new Ice Cream with peppermint and chocolate. Today she woke up craving that all morning and he decided that when he left the Temple that afternoon, and before he was heading home he would pass by the store and buy that. Reaching the 33 weeks, the date of due was getting closer and he sensed she was getting nervous and deep inside he was too.

He was so focus on going home and make that surprise to his very pregnant wife, that he didn't even heard someone called his name.

"Hey Luke"

Turning around he smiled when he saw his two great friends

"Han, Chewie" he said and hugged them "When did you arrived?"

"A few hours ago. We just left the supplies we brought."

"So you didn't see Leia yet?" Luke asked him

"No. I was actually going to see her. Why? Is everything okay?" Han asked him

"Yes, of course everything is fine. Why wouldn't it be?" Luke said.

"I don't know, the way you asked if I saw Leia, it sounded like something was wrong"

Luke rolled his eyes

"Why you always think something went badly, my friend." he smiled "It is just she missed you a lot. So she will be very happy to see you"

"I missed her too. By the way your planet, continue to be the depressing desert planet since the last time we saw it"

Luke laughed at that.

"Thanks for the kind words. Either way it is still my home and it still exists. Leia and Ines don't have theirs. So that gave me a new perspective about it."

Han nod and Chewie growled. It was true. Leia and Ines didn't have that chance anymore.

"What is that?" Han looked at Luke's hand who looking at it, he remembered right away

"Oh shoot. I have to go home right now before this thing starts to melt." he said and started walking being followed by Han and Chewie.

"What is it?"

"It is a new ice cream that Ines was craving all morning, so I decided to make her a surprise."

Han looked at the cup and read.

"The Green Saber?" he frown and looked at Chewie who growled "Is that some kind a tribute to your lightsaber? It is green!"

Luke looked at it.

"I don't know. But I don't think so. My lightsaber was not the first green in the galaxy, Han" he laughed.

Once they reached the building they entered in the elevator. Han left first while Luke left of the last floor.

Once he entered inside, Ines looked behind from the couch.

"Hey gorgeous" she smiled

"Hey, I got something for you" he said smiling and showing the ice cream cup

"No, Luke, you are the best husband in the galaxy" she clapped her hands and grabbing the cup, she took the spoon and ate it, closing her eyes. "This is soo good, you have no idea"

"Can I taste please?"

Ines looked at him and then to her belly

"What do you think baby, do you think this guy deserve to eat a little bit of the ice cream. After all he brought it to us?" she asked making Luke laughed when he saw a movement on Ines belly, making her laughed "Did you see that? It was his foot"

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