Chapter 103 - Girls night

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A/N: I want to wish a very Happy New 2022 to every one here. Love ya and thanks for the support.

2 weeks later:

2 weeks had pass and the Skywalkers and the Solos were getting everything ready to leave Coruscant and head to Naboo for almost two months. Leia and Han's wedding was exactly in a month in Varykino and they want to be there as long as they could, so in two days they would be leaving with the whole family and with the students and Aurea, so they were getting everything ready.

Being one of the last nights in Coruscant for almost 2 months, Luke and Han decided to have a guys out with Chewie, and the three of them just decided to go to a bar after dinner to have some fun.

Being 4 weeks and 18 weeks pregnant, Leia and Ines decided to spend the night in Leia's apartment, with their kids and eating some snacks and drinking natural juice.

Iris was laying on the floor, playing with her baby cousin. Ben enjoyed the attention from her 8 year old cousin, who kissed his cheeks, making the baby giggle. Being almost 13 ½ months, the baby already was able to stand up alone and started walking a few steps before falling on his butt laughing, making Leia and Ines laughing at that.

"We really are getting old, you know." Leia told Ines, who looked at her sister in law

"How so?"

"Look at us. Both 24 years old, an instead of going out like our actual and future husband, we decided to stay at home, with our children, eating snacks and drinking Shuura juice"

"And we are having a great time too." Ines replied

"You bet." Leia said and they high five.

After a few minutes of silence, Ines looked at Leia

"How are you doing?" she said resting her right hand on her belly

"So far I'm doing great. No morning sickness, only tired and wanted to sleep a lot."

"I know. When I was expecting Ben I took long naps too and in this pregnancy I do too. One thing I advice you, when the belly gets bigger, use a pillow between your legs. Or do what I do."


"Use Han has your pillow. I used Luke a lot when the belly was too big. I put my legs on top of his and it is so nice." Ines laughed making Leia laughed too.

"Thank you for the advice. I will do that." Leia replied. "By the way, I saw Wrein the other day. Apparently Anuska invited him to my wedding."

"Well you allowed her to take someone to your wedding." Ines told her drinking her juice and looked at her son, who was giggled at Iris, showing his little teeth, making her smile.

"You still not happy about the fact that I invited her to my wedding." Leia told looking at Ines who sighed.

"Leia, I told you back then and I will tell you again. It is your wedding, Anuska is your friend since we were young girls. You are allow to invite who ever you want. It is not my business. So I'm not upset with you at all. Now, I'm not going to lie to you and say I'm okay to see her stupid face for more than 2 weeks in Varykino, cause I'm not happy. Especially knowing that she is hitting on your brother since the first day we saw her"

"Yeah, that was pretty obvious. She was not happy to know that you are married with Luke and have kids with him." Leia smirked

"Of course she is not. If we remember correctly she was the one who kept saying she would married the most famous guy in the galaxy when she would be around her 20's. Well that didn't happen. And knowing that the girl she mocked all the time, saying that she was not a married or a mother material, is in fact the one who is married with one of the most famous guys, that pissed her off. Which in a way, it would be a pleasure to see her stupid face every time she sees me with Luke, and especially now, with this big belly." she said rubbing her very visible pregnant belly.

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