Chapter 91 - Man to Man Conversation

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Luke woke up all of the sudden and looked around. Looking at the right he saw it was only 1 in the morning. He thought it was much later, but maybe the fact that him and Ines decided to go to bed earlier, instead of being in the living room watching their favorites series, due to the fact their baby was sick, it was responsible for that thought.

Looking to his left he smiled at the sight of the two people he loved the most: his wife and his son.

They decided to put Ben to sleep between them that night. Around 2200 hours, he started to get a fever again, and they gave him an SOS medicine, and around midnight they gave him the syrup. They couldn't sleep without him near them, so they decided he could sleep with them. He put his hand on the baby forehead and sigh in relieve to feel the fever was gone.

He looked at him. Holding his X-Wing he bought for him, and sucking his pacifier he was holding Ines left fingers with his little left hand.

He looked at his wife, sleeping on her right, holding their baby's hand. He remember the talk they had that afternoon, and how scared he was that she had decided to leave him for that Wrein guy. Now he thought he was stupid to think that. He knew she loved him, but he also knew that her life would never be normal the moment they would start dating, so the last thing he wanted was to make her unhappy and if she wanted a normal life, he would let her, if that meant losing her.

He smiled when he remembered the time they met:

"Cut it out!"

"Patience, Luke,"

"General Obi Wan Kenobi?" Ines asked.


"I'm glad I found you, sir" she replied.

"Who are you?"

Removing the hood, she stared at him and offered her hand. "Ines Talia. Princess Leia send me here to find you. And you are?"

"Skywalker. Luke Skywalker."

"Nice to meet you, Luke."

He remembered that time like it was yesterday. Who knew that 5 years later she was there, sleeping next to him, holding their son's hand.

He wrapped his right arm around her waist, and playing with her long hair. He loved doing that.

She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. Lately he kept hearing the force about the twins, knowing that pretty soon they would conceived them. He thought they would have more time, but he knew he couldn't go against the force will. Deep inside he wouldn't mind to see her caring his child again, and this time his twin girls. Maybe that guy would take the hint once and for all, but he needed to have a talk to that guy and he was happy when he got the message that he wanted to talk to him the next day. He knew he wouldn't give up that easy. But Ines was his wife and it was with him she married and now he would not let her go from him anymore.

Tomorrow he would talk to that guy. Hearing the rain that started to fall, he pulled the covers a little up since it was a little cold, and wrapping his arm around the two loves his life, he closed his eyes and fall asleep again.


Next Day:

Ines was in the kitchen holding a very quiet baby in her arms. Luke already had give him the syrup at 0800 hours, but the fact he didn't have any fever during the night was a good sign, but their baby was still not feeling good. His gums continue to hurt and he didn't have the mood to play. Right now he was resting his head on Ines right shoulder sucking his pacifier, holding his toy on his left hand, looking at his father who was putting his cereal bowl on the dishwasher.

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