Chapter 125- Going to Lah'mu System

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2 weeks later:

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2 weeks later:

Ines was holding her 3 weeks baby Alli on her chest, rocking her closely, while Luke was holding Padmé. The baby was paying attention to her father's voice.

"You will be a good girl, right my little love." he spoke making the baby doing her baby babble, moving her arms.

They were at the entrance of the Falcon. Being 3 weeks since she gave birth, Ines had talk to Luke about getting her older brother in Lah'mu system. She couldn't wait any longer. If her brothers had talk towards each other all these years, she was sure her brother Dan already had found odd Edmar's silence. She couldn't wait one more week knowing her family was in that remote planet. She wanted them with her.

Luke tried to avoid as much as he could, but he understood what Ines was feeling. After all he would have done the same if it was his family and in a way it was his family too.

After talking to Han and Chewie, they decided to get them. The trip to Lah'mu would take 4 days, which meant they would be away from their 3 weeks old babies 8 days, and of course that was making more difficult for Luke and Ines, especially for her since she was breastfeeding them.

"Don't worry." Leia told her, making Ines looked at her sister in law. " A week will pass in a blink of an eye and soon you will be here. We will take care of them, right sweetie," she asked to her nephew who looked up at his aunt and nod.

Watching her son, Ines kneel and raise her left arm towards him, the 18 months toddler ran towards her and hugged.

"My sweet Ben. Behave okay. Obey your aunt and take care of your sisters. Okay?"

Ben looked at his mother and nod


"I love you"

"Lob u." he said hugging her too.

Kissing her son many times, she stood up and kissing her daughter's forehead she handle her to Leia.

"Don't worry. You left plenty of milk for them."

Ines nod but Leia knew what her sister in law was feeling.

"Do you have your milk pumping machine with you?" she asked her

"Yes. I have here in my backpack."

"Ma'am." Yolla told her. "Pump your milk every time you feel the milk raising. There will be times that you don't have time, and problem will wet your suit. But don't worry. We have a lot of milk for them and yours will not dry for only 8 days away."

Ines nod

"Don't worry Master Ines and Master Luke we will protect the twins and Ben." Kino told them, making Luke smile at his students

"I'm counting on that." He said and kissing Padmé forehead he handle his baby to Yolla and picking up Ben he looked at his son. "Take care of your sisters okay my boy?"

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