Chapter 95 - First day of training

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It was around 8 in the morning and Luke and Ines were already in the kitchen, finishing their breakfast. Ben was sitting in his meal chair waving his X-Wing toy while babble at him, making Luke look at him with a smile in his face, but Ines knew her husband mind was in the gift he got last night: his old lightsaber, the one he lost in Bespin when his father cut his hand before revealing he was his son.

Going behind him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed her left cheek, making Luke smile and kissed her cheek too.

"I know sooner or later we will find out who sent your lightsaber." she told him. Luke knew she was right, and grabbing her arms he made her sat on his lap, facing their babbling baby.

"I know but still, I can't stop thinking of how that person got it." he told looking at Ben.

"What will you do with it? Are you going to tell Leia?"

Luke looked at her and played with her braid that was fallen over her left shoulder.

"So far I will kept it in our safe here, but I have to tell Leia. That lightsaber was in Bespin..."

Ines looked at him. He knew what she was thinking.

"I don't know babe. I really don't. But he was there where I fought my father."

"Lando also said they didn't find any lightsaber there. But if my brother did find it, why he would give it to you?" she said

"No idea. I keep thinking that myself"

Ines smiled when Luke touched her face with his right hand, making her gasped all of the sudden

"Unless it was not your lightsaber the Empire wanted all along"

Luke frown at that comment.

"What do you mean?"

"There was another thing that fell in that place, besides your lightsaber." she looked at him and Luke's eyes wide when he realize what she was talking about. Looking at his prosthetic right hand, he looked back at her.

"My hand?"

"If they have your hand, they can use for a lot of things. Like..."

"Cloning. Do you think they can do anything from my hand?" he asked

"I'm sure they can do it. They have the technology and they all need some cells from your hand to do it. Luke if that is the case then it is more serious than we imagine"

"Leia needs to know about this then." Looking at her, he thought of something. "What if they do a clone of me? What if we confront each other? How will you know the real me?"

Ines smiled and leaning forward she took his lips on hers.

"I will know who the real Luke is, always"

Smiling, he pulled her into a deep kiss. Pulling apart he looked at the time.

"It is time. Ready for your first teaching class?"

"Are you Master Luke?" she asked, making him laughed.

"Nervous but excited"

"Than let's go." she said giving him a small peak on the lips before standing up from his lap and grab Ben's things, while Luke picking him from the chair. At the time 3PO entered in the home

"Master Luke! Mistress Ines!"

"Good morning 3PO" Ines said with smile

"I'm ready to take care of Baby Ben"

R2 beeped rolled around making Ben looking down at R2 and laughed

"I know you are helping but it was me that Master Luke and Mistress Ines asked to be responsible for Baby Ben." the golden droid said, making R2 beeped and once the droid did that Ben started to laughed again, making Luke smile at his boy. Soon there would be two more kids in his house and he couldn't wait. His apartment was big enough for him and Ines to have a big family and that what he wanted.

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