Chapter 82 - Night Celebration

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Everyone arrived at the place where the celebration would taking place. The gardens were beautiful and well decorated. Each round table had 9 seats and in each one was a planet or ship in the center, so the guests when arrived, they would know what planet or ship they got and with that they would know their table. In one end was a stage with a band and in the middle of the tables was the dance floor. In the other end was a bar. This time there was waiters who would serve the guests.

They arrived and there was a waiter who was at the entrance of the garden, gave each one of them a card with a picture of a ship

"This is the ship there is on your table center" the waiter said and they enter the place.

"Hey Han we got the Falcon" Ines said smiling at his future brother in law.

Chewie growled making them smiled and they started to find where their table was, and as they found it, they all sat down: Luke and Ines sat down with Ben in his floating crib between them, playing with this Red 5, sucking on one the wings of the toy; with R2 near them and 3PO siting down near them too; Chewie sat next to Luke, then Han and Leia with Iris sitting between them.

"Who will sit in those 3 places?" Iris asked looking at her parents.

"I see I will sit here with you"

They looked up and saw Wedge with his new wife.

"Wedge! Prim!" Leia smiled as the newlyweds sat down.

"When did you return from your honeymoon?" Ines asked them

"Last week." Prim replied smiling

"How does it feel to be married?" Han asked them

"It is great. At least I love it" Wedge smiled to his wife

"I know what you mean" Luke said "And wait until you two have kids. It is the best thing you would ever want" he smiled looking at his boy who was having a conversation with his toy.

"I can't believe he is that size?" Wedge said looking at the baby

"Me neither. A year ago I was caring him inside me" Ines looked at her son and stroke his cheeks.

"Prim and I will wait a little longer but we can't wait to start a family" Wedge smile.

They started to talk about the party and how the place was nice, when a familiar voice came behind them

"I can't believe"

They looked behind and they all smiled

"Lando!" Han stood up and hugged his friend, followed by Luke

"We didn't know you would come?" Luke asked happy to see his friend

"I decided to make a surprise" Lando smiled and kissed Leia and then Ines on the cheeks. "No way. Is this little Ben?" he said as the little boy that Luke pulled him into his arms after picking him up from the crib.

The baby looked at a new face he never saw and finding Lando's mustache funny, he tried to reached Lando's face and tried to grabbed it, but Luke pulled his son's arms away

"No sweetie" he giggled making Lando laughed as well.

"Nice kid. You have your father's blue eyes but you looked more like your mother in terms of features, except the chin. That is yours too Luke" Lando said making Luke looked at his son

"Hard to believe that he also participate in the events a year ago" Luke said

"Yes he did, that's right." Lando smiled and looked at Iris "And who is this beautiful girl?"

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