A Valiant Interruption

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( Why can't we, why can't we? I can love you and you can love me. )

Sophie had long since cursed her obliviousness. For nearly four years, she had been blind to Keefe actually being in love with her. And for one of those long, unbearable years, she had been beating herself up for liking someone clearly out of her league. 

Except he wasn't.  For a few, awkward months of stumbling, blushing, they navigated what a healthy relationship was with their dangerous lifestyle. Sometimes they still got a little bit lost. For now, they were good. Much more than good.

Lord Cassius was still living at the Shores of Solace, and there were no more stowaways in Candleshade, much to the appreciation of Sophie and Keefe. Alone time was few and far between for the pair, so the place was a blessing.

"Kiss me again, you idiot," Sophie murmured, having grown used to being more assertive about what she wanted. Keefe complied with a soft laugh, not just because he was pressed up against a wall and the side of a bookshelf. Sophie smiled against his lips, his laugh endearing, true. Heat of contentment rolled through Sophie's body, desire fueled by love and a hunger to be closer. 

A time ago, Sophie would have been hesitant, much more wary of getting caught than her partner. As they had less space for it, her hesitance faded away in favor of the feeling coursing through her veins. She loved him, she loved this, and while she loved Keefe much more than the kissing, it didn't mean she couldn't enjoy it with a passion. Because it was with him. And that simple fact made her happy.

Love and lust do coexist, contrary to popular opinion. While she didn't get nosebleeds like the anime characters did while they were turned on (something medically impossible, at least to Sophie's knowledge) she still struggled with being less transparent - specifically when other people were around.

Unaware to Sophie and Keefe, Stina arrived at the apartment duplex style manor, setting up for a Team Valiant meeting. The other members began to trickle inside, searching for Sophie. Stina led the troop, tracking Sophie's incredibly strong emotions.

The entirety of Team Valiant walked into the library with a collective sigh. Biana held a hand over her mouth, delicately hiding a giggle. Dex rolled his eyes, instead immersing himself in an invention he was working on. A blush covered all of Wylie's face.

"Need a minute," Stina retorted, a hand on her hips.

Sophie leaned back, lips swollen.

"Yes," Keefe announced.

(This oneshot is all because of BookLoverforever27 so give them a huge thank you in the comments! She made a comment that sparked a waterfall of inspiration, and even reminded me a week later! So, THANK YOU! I often have trouble coming up with settings I haven't used a bunch already, and this scenario was golden.)

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