Proper Motivation

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( I used to think maybe you loved me, now I know that It's true ) 

Pristine white blanketed the grounds of Everglen, sparkling snow burdening tree branches with otherworldly grace. Frost adorned Biana's windowpane, ethereal designs covering the glass. 

"Baby, wake up. There's something I want to show you," Biana whispered. She smiled as her girlfriend made an adorable noise of protest. Sophie tried to snuggle back into Biana's embrace, failing to register the fact she had sat up. The blonde settled for nestling her head in the Vackers lap.

Biana swept Sophie's hair away, gently kissing where shoulder met neck. Shivering, Sophie shifted to sit in the Vanishers lap completely, tucking her face against Biana's heartbeat.

"It's snowing, hon."


"I bet you anything Quinlin's making pancakes."

Sophie's eyes popped open. Elvin pancakes were delicious, thick fluffy delight that tasted like cookie dough and maple syrup.  

Naturally, the girl scrambled out of bed, shrugging on yesterdays tunic. Biana donned one of her own, placing a blanket around Sophie's frame as they walked down to the kitchen.

Livvy waggled her eyebrows from where she stood with Della, accepting a bite of food off the proffered fork. Alden watched Quinlin, enraptured with the mere act of flipping a pancake. Or rather, with the elf doing the flipping.

"Is anyone going to wake up Fitz," Biana asked, beaming softly as Sophie rushed to grab a plate.

"Well, you could," Della commented lightly. 

"I'm good."

Quinlin laughed good-naturedly, sliding breakfast onto a serving dish.

"You know what the real tragedy is," Biana inquired quietly. "I have seven parents to please, and you only have four."

Sophie counted on her fingers. Grady, Edaline, Mom, Dad, Oralie, Undetermined Father, and . . .

"Who's the seventh?"

"Sandor, obviously," Fitz said blearily, stumbling down the stairs in his pajamas.

"He's right," Biana acquiesced. "Sandor is the guy to impress."

Said goblin grumbled from the shadows, Grizel reassuring him it was a compliment.

Sophie rolled her eyes, stacking two pancakes on her plate, sticking them together with the creamiest peanut butter in existence. 

"You know what this needs! Diced bananas!"

"Diced  . . . bananas?" 

Everyone was understandably confused. Livvy snorted, aptly covering it up with a napkin after Della's glare.

"I suppose we could ask the gnomes for some frozen bunches," Alden stated crisply, a wrinkle in his brow.

Sophie turned her puppy-eyed stare to Biana, waiting a beat to stop after Biana delicately coughed.

"Yes, lets get some . . . diced bananas." 

Fitz shook his head.

( I don't know what to say except . . . diced bananas. Yeah, that's it. Diced bananas. Really hits the spot. )

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