A Safe Haven In You

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(It seemed too good to be true . . . I wanted to be with you)

Havenfield. A safe haven. One that wasn't quite the safest for Keefe, however. Grady made it a rather hostile environment for the boy. The sanctuary was preferred by them both, giving Sophie and Keefe ample options for the animal therapy they so desperately needed.

A snow leopard curled up on Sophie's lap, its comfortable weight keeping her at ease. She stroked its neck rhythmically, gentle pets lulling it to sleep. Keefe watched on with a tender smile, a soft look in his eyes as he gazed not at the leopard, but the girl holding it.

"Is he asleep," Keefe whispered. Sophie shook her head, a teasing smile adorning her lips as she shushed him. "I'll take that as a no then." Sophie moved to swat him when the snow leopard shifted, resettling as she froze.

"Half-Asleep," Sophie transmit. Keefe nodded knowingly.

"Stuck in Limbo, right?"

"Shut up."

"I'm not talking!"

Sophie made a noncommittal noise to satisfy the defensive empath, choosing not to continue the minor disagreement.

"I'm an empath, I know you didn't mean that," Keefe grumbled.

"Mean what? I'm not talking," Sophie retorted, leaning back on her hands.

"Oh, you-"

Sophie blinked innocently, letting the boy sputter off.

"What were you saying?"

Keefe took it in stride. "I just remembered I missed my daily dose of Foster snark yesterday."

"Well then I guess it isn't daily anymore," Sophie commented.

"It's okay, this makes up for it."

He joked, but the words had hit home. With Sophie busy being the moonlark, Keefe had to lead their friends in her absence. They tried to make time for each other. Why him, Keefe could only hope.

"But, joking aside, I miss you Keefe. Putting away the fact you're the only thing keeping me sane right now," Sophie confessed. "I miss this."

The easy silence. How their hands felt empty not holding the others. Or the jokes, and secret pocket where the only things that existed were the two of them.

"When you're not around, it hurts," Keefe stated off-handedly. Sophie wasn't expecting him to be so honest about it. Her hand found his.

"Me too."

Keefe's head snapped up, eyes wide. He bit his lip, inspecting every aspect of Sophie's' expression for a lie, not trusting his empathy. 

"I am pretty attractive," he preened, kidding. Sophie raised her eyebrows.

"You ruined the moment," Sophie said, turning back to the horizon.

"I did not," Keefe protested. "Besides, you didn't deny it.'

Sophie made a noncommittal noise yet again, avoiding the question. Or giving a neutral answer.

"Say that again, I couldn't hear you," Keefe prodded, an excited twinkle in his eyes.

"You're pretty." Keefe beamed. "Annoying." Pouting, the empath rested his head on Sophie's shoulder. His eyes fluttered closed, long and graceful. Keefe's breathing evened, getting slower. Warm air tickled Sophie's neck.

"I love you," Sophie whispered.

"Really," Keefe asked drowsily. "Nobody else does." Sophie's eyes watered, pain pricking at her heart.

"That's not true." A voice crack caused Keefe's eyes to drift open. "Don't you believe me?"

"It just seems . . . too good to be true."

Sophie moved the snow leopard off her lap, taking Keefe's head in her hands.

"Hey. Look at me." Keefe gazed up. "I love you."

"You love me," he repeated.

"That's right. Now don't ever talk like that again," Sophie ordered, a concerned look focused with laser accuracy. A lazy smile lay across Keefe's lips.


(There's the longish one I promised! It feels long story-wise, but word count-wise is another matter. Time to type up yet another oneshot, next update thanks toooooooo: BookLoverForever27 )

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