Mini thingy| Nobody Loves A Broken Boy

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"Father? Do you love me?" Lord Cassius scoffed.

"Nobody loves a broken boy."

"Mom? Does Father love me?" Lady Gisela leveled Keefe's eyes with hers.

"Nobody loves a broken boy."

"Alden? Do you love me?" The man fell silent, rubbing the little boy's warm hand in his.

"There is no reason to worry." But the little boy knew those words merited absolute panic. So he cried alone in the wanderling woods, mourning what never existed.

~ten years later - yes, I just did that~

"Sophie, do you love me," he whispered to himself. Not loud enough for her to hear. The recurring response resounded in his mind.

Nobody loves a broken boy.

He would never know she did. 


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