Getting Off With A Burn

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Marella hopped quickly from stone to stone, crossing the moat she and Linh used for practice.

"Rella!" Linh yelled, her face lighting up.

I know, I know. No nicknames. But who could say no to her?

Linh was suddenly blushing adorably, a wide smile stretching from cheek to rosy cheek. Ponytail swinging behind her, Marella jumped to the grassy bank, running her fingers down the tiny braids littered throughout her hair.

"Hey, Linh." Linh's sweet face fell when she didn't get the excited response she'd been hoping for. Marella pulled her friend into a hug, breathing in the scent of Linh's lavender jasmine shampoo. Linh relaxed in the embrace with a small sigh. "I've been looking forward to this," Marella murmured. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Linh snapped her head up, eyes shining.


"Of course!" Linh smiled.

"We should get to practicing." However reluctantly, Marella pulled away. Linh waved a hand, and a case of quicksnuff abruptly moved next to them, too fast for Marella's eyes to process.

They cycled round the normal training exercises. Linh wanted to try something new. Something dangerous. Something deadly.

"Please, please, please can we try? Pretty please, Mallowmelt with Indigoober goo on top!" Marella blinked.

"I don't know whether to be grossed out, or in awe." Linh stuck out her bottom lip, pouting.

"Fine." Marella flipped her hair, showing her characteristic sass. "Just don't blame me if something goes wrong." Linh nodded eagerly.

Marella closed her eyes, reaching for the angry demon inside her. Mixed in was blasting passion. Which had totally nothing to do with the silver-eyed girl beside her. Drawing on that rampant discord, Marella funneled it into flames, the feelings tearing up the mental pipe as it raged.

And there it was. A blazing ball of Everblaze, the size of a Level One splotcher. Linh reached forward, mesmerized by the dancing flames.

"No!" As she shouted, the ball grew much larger, consuming Linh's fingertips. Diving into the moat, the fire on Linh's fingertips paused, not dying, but ceasing to grow. "We don't have any Frissyn," Marella screamed to Linh's anguished face. "Lady Cadence!" The Lady rushed out of the house, eyes wide.

"I knew this partnered training was a terrible idea," Lady Cadence fumed. Snapping her fingers, Frissyn, a tiny amount, rained down of Linh's hands.

"She needs more!"

"We can't waste anything!"

Marella ignited another ball of Everblaze, and the strict Mentor dumped a heap down. Extinguishing her flames, Marella knelt at the bank, the smoldering grass going out. Linh leaned on Marella, letting the blond heave her up.

"Are you afraid of me," Marella whispered.

"Why would I be afraid? I love you. I'm afraid for you."

Lucat13#2831 Inky~Arachne#7689 sunset gloom#6675 (Discord Request) Marellinh | Marellinh prompt: Marella accidentally burns Linh during practice - Lucat

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