A Bird, A Bargain, And A Bounty

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"What do you want? Power? Revenge?"

Gisela studied Sophie for a moment, tilting her head. Her eyes weren't calculating, but cool as she assessed the situation, curious. A lock of blonde hair escaped from her damp bun, springing into a loose curl.

"I didn't know you had curly hair," Sophie said, brows furrowed.

"You don't know a lot of things about me."

It was true. Sophie had only interacted with Gisela a handful of times. When she killed Fintan, the Lady had reached out to her, inviting her to join the Neverseen. At the time, Sophie rejected the offer.

"I'll join the Neverseen," she offered.

"Oh, I thought that was a given!" Lady Gisela laughed. "It seems we aren't exactly on the same page. What I want is for my son to join the Neverseen with you. We both know you're the only one he listens to. In fact, he must be doubting Alden right about now."

When she had told Keefe what Alden had done, the horror that had crossed his face was something of nightmares. He'd stumbled backwards, supporting himself with his bedpost. He knew she was right, she could tell. The only problem was he didn't want to believe it.

"Only if you tell me why," Sophie said, resolute.

"You know, you're truly not in a position to be bargaining with me right now."

She sent Gisela a steely glare.

"He needs to complete his Legacy."

"Which is?"

"A great, world-changing solution to the Elvin world's problems," she grit out. "Are there any more questions?"

"Is there a deadline?"

"A year, at the absolute most."


"There are a few things you'll have to do for me before-"

Sophie balked.

"Hold up- that wasn't part of the deal."

"Correct. As you are to be a member of the Neverseen, I am your superior. It's nothing too important."

'Nothing too important' had been the conversation Lady Gisela pulled Sophie away for at Candleshade to invite her to join the Neverseen.

"There are a few things you'll have to do for me before I give you your starstone- it's a pearlescent stone which remembers the last place it inhabited," the Lady described at Sophie's blank look. "You can't leap or teleport to two places in a row, or it will lose its ability to return you to your hideout."

"And you're giving me one?"

Gisela rolled her eyes.

"Obviously. Did you really think I would share my chateau with the likes of you?"

Well, there was no need for the attitude.

"Go on."

"You are to give me a logbook of your interactions with the Black Swan members you've met. I understand you met a handful in the past year?" She stated, looking to the girl for verification.


When she had reset her abilities. Sophie traced the star-shaped scar on her hand, fingertip whispering over puckered skin. It was all so unclear then. Who the bad guys really were. It still was, to be honest.

"You are also to eat a fathomlethe. I have reason to believe the Black Swan buried or washed some of your memories."

"Is that it? Because I have a few demands."

"Well, on with it," Gisela sniffed.

"Tell me what you were trying to do with me the day you kidnapped and drugged me."

"How dramatic."

"Oh my god. What's wrong with you??"

"Look, we just wanted to figure out what made you you. How you were created, and why," she explained airily. "Simple."

Sophie could tell there were too many things Gisela wasn't telling her. The Lady danced around questions, answering vaguely with as little information as possible. Of course she wouldn't trust her. Maybe it wasn't about trust. Or maybe Sophie wasn't seeing the bigger picture.

Their attention was drawn to an imparter that couldn't be larger than a Prattles pin as it rang quickly. Clipped and loud, the sound was jarring.

Gisela pricked her finger with a pin, letting a drop of blood fall to the metal surface. 

The gadget expanded slightly, projecting a message. Text ran across the holographic display, all in official, fancy-looking elvin runes much like the ones she was unable to read in Atlantis. Sophie supposed they were the same, actually.


Lady Gisela's voice lingered on the syllables, tone gentle and dangerous, like a snake.


She met Sophie's eyes, the corner of her mouth twisting into a cruel, satisfied smile. Shivers ran down Sophie's spine. For a few precious seconds, the air was electric with ominous suspense. Her fingers twitched in anticipation.

Gisela waved her hand nonchalantly, face conforming into an expression of faux sympathy.

Sophie should have expected, but her mind spun at the Lady's next words anyway.

"It seems a bounty has been placed on your head."

( *ominous music* Also, sorry for all the boring stuff for the plot progression. Tomorrow is the release of something I'm really excited for. It's the first chapter of a oneshot series/book where Biana discovered what the Vacker Legacy really is, and joins the Neverseen. It's Sophiana, following Sophie's journey. Followers, send me emojis for lines of my WIP's! )

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