Touch Me Gently, Kiss Me Slowly

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( Contains heavy cursing, angst, and hurt/comfort. )

"You're not fooling anyone," Lord Cassius stated, sipping on his tea. He glared stormily out at the shore.

Keefe tensed, hands stiffening around his cup of Cinnacreme. His nightshirt was wrinkled, and he was visibly tired. It was something about his eyes. His jaw was tightened, the muscles in his shoulders braced for a conversation he knew he would hate.

"With your little white lies and your evasive manner. You're much too avoidant, and it benefits absolutely no one," he continued. "Your jokes are growing far too thin. If you really want to make people believe you aren't completely fucked up, you can't be so transparent."

"Says the man who fucked me up."

Cassius slammed his hand on the island he was sitting behind, wedding ring banging loudly against the marble.

"You dare place all the blame on me?" He shouted. "You know very well-"

"Sorry, one of the parents who fucked me up. My fucking bad," he spat. "What, you think I'm just gonna get over the hell you put me through? Ignore the steaming pile of shit my childhood has been? Because it's not happening. I can't flip a fucking switch and turn on a trauma block. That would be way too fucking conveinent, wouldn't it. Too bad you aren't a Telepath."

"No, you have Alden for that, don't you! Running off to the Vackers and pretending they're your family instead."

"Well, he's certainly a better father than you."

"You mean the same man who manipulated you into staying away from Sophie Foster?"

"What I said still stands."

"I'm only advising you on how not to show it all! What's so bad about that?"

"It lets you off the hook. It shows how much of a twisted asshole you are. You can't cope with how fucked up I am, so you're making me force myself to hide it. Which ensures I won't be able to cope with it. While you try to save your guilty conscience, you're hurting me. You're hurting me. And my mind does that enough already."

Tears had welled up in Keefe's burning eyes, distorting his vision. His chest was unbearably tight.


"No! I don't have to listen to you anymore. I can't."

His tears were falling fast, hitting the ground and leaving tracks down his cheeks.

"Everglen," he choked out, staggering towards the leapmaster.

"Running away to fantasyland again?"

"Go fuck yourself."

The glittering light took him away, tearing him apart bit by bit. It was an agonizing pain, but all he could do was close his eyes and cry. Time had slowed.

"Somebody get Fade Fuel," a voice screamed. Biana, he figured faintly. "Sophie always carries some! Get Elwin! Livvy!"

But when he opened his eyes, Fitz was holding him, a guttural cry erupting from his throat as he rocked back and forth, cradling Keefe's head in his lap.

"Fitz," he whispered.

The syllable barely escaped his lips.

Fitz looked down at him as if looking at a ghost, speechless and pale. Absentmindedly, Keefe noticed tearstains on his cheeks, reaching up to trace them softly.

"We match."

His voice was hoarse, yet the most beautiful sound the Vacker had ever heard. He began to cry again, teal eyes wet with sorrow.

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