Falling For You

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(I just want to be with you . . . tell me boy, could you get a clue?)

Lex opened the door, blushing. "D-Dex is in the kitchen." The triplet shuffled their feet.

"Already," Keefe asked, bemused.

"Well, yeah . . ." Processing this new information, Keefe's confused frown turned into a perky smile.

"Okay!" Skipping past Lex, the kitchen was fast approaching. As Keefe came closer, the sizzling of rustling food reached his ears, a flurry of spices luring the empath inside. All of a sudden, something tightened around Keefe's ankle, yanking him up into the air. It was the arch of dividing all over again.

"Why am I getting Exillum deja vu," Keefe complained, dangling upside down. Vague humming abruptly stopped, and Dex rushed over to the activated trap.

"I'm so sorry," Dex apologized. "That was meant for the triplets!"

"I figured. Can you get me down now?"

Dex nodded, focused on untangling the knot in front of him as he detangled the mess of rope. Before Keefe started to fall, it must be noted he chose not to use his levitation. Thanks to this decision, he ended up in Dex's arms. 

"You've been working out," Keefe commented roughly, tracing the muscles in Dex's biceps. 

"I wanted to be able to protect my family," the technopath answered huskily.


Dex's freckles were highlighted by pink, Keefe blind to the blush he'd caused.

"Erm . . . my arms are getting tired . . ."

It was Keefe's turn to blush as he hopped down to meet tile.

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