The Best Distraction

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( Insert song lyric here :/ )

"Why couldn't the Black Swan give me an elvin period," Sophie groaned. "It's punishment enough making it a week long!"

"You should ask Elwin for pain meds," Biana reminded, rubbing Sophie's arm as the blonde brought her knees to her chest.

"I know, I just don't want to talk to him about girl stuff. Well, human girl stuff."

Pressing a kiss to Sophie's bare shoulder, Biana murmured acknowledgement. Sophie cuddled closer, eternally grateful for the magic of spooning.

Sweeping away her girlfriends hair, the Vacker touched a second kiss to Sophie's neck, the telepath arching back. A laugh escaped Biana.

"What are you, a cat?"

The blonde harrumphed, a smile teasing her mouth.

"Again," Sophie announced, flipping to face Biana. She complied, littering kisses down Sophie's jaw, tracing the telepaths collarbone with her lips. A happy sigh fled Sophie as Biana sat up, pulling her into her lap. Biana gently lifted Sophie's chin.

"Am I a good distraction," Biana whispered, vanishing from sight.

"The best."

The door creaked open, Dex walking in before freezing as Biana flickered back into reality.

"I-I'm just gonna grab the Team Valiant report and go," he stuttered, snatching the scroll from Biana's desk and speed walking out. He ducked back in, taking a sock and placing it on the doorknob before leaving.

"Stick to your own dorm, Dizznee!" Biana yelled.

"Shh, someone's going to hear you," Sophie giggled.


"Oh, shut up," Sophie demanded, launching forward to yank Biana down in a tangle of sheets.

"Gladly," the vanisher breathed, meeting Sophie's lips.

The girl sat up with a jolt, a light bulb flashing in her mind.

"I could have asked Livvy this whole time."

"True," Biana remarked. "But then I wouldn't get to do this," she said, kissing Sophie's hand expectantly.

"Yeah, ok," Sophie admit, tumbling back into bed with a smile.

(Look it's wholesome, funny, and has kissing. Honestly, what more could you ask for? I know it's not A Shot To The Heart, but it's Sophiana. And I love it, so y'all have to love it too.)

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