Interruptions| An Unlocked Awakening Sleeping Hunkyhair 3

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Sophie stopped staring at the offender's shoes and her gaze rose to the elf's face. She wished she could fan herself without looking like a crazy person. But, alas, she couldn't.  Sophie daringly met Grady's eyes and mentally gasped. Of course, it was just her luck to have her extremely overprotective adoptive father walk in.

"Sophie. Elizabeth. Foster-Ruewen." Grady's hands twitched, shaking almost uncontrollably. The bowl of weird pink jello veggies he'd brought for Sophie was spilled of the floor, a jiggling mass. Sophie wished she was a vanisher so she could disappear and escape this conversation. Keefe yelped and put his hands in the air.

"She made the first move!" Sophie shot Keefe an annoyed look. "What, you did." Grady sighed and sat down on the cot opposite them.

"It's not like I can punish you for it. You didn't break any rules. So we'll just have a little chat. Here, all of us, now." They both frantically nodded, eager to finish the torture. "Elves live forever. You have plenty of time to do what you guys were doing." A cold voice with a perfectly crisp accent jumped in.

"And what exactly were you doing." Fitz's hands were clenched into fists. Moved on fast, huh. Sophie's lips smoothed out into a thin line when she heard Fitz's voice in her head, and her mental walls went back up.

"Oh, I could go into great detail," Keefe said, smirking. Sophie's eyes grew wide and she tried to clap a hand over his mouth, but Keefe grabbed it at the last second. Fitz's jaw was set, his expression stony.

"Do tell."

Grady saved them all, turning his wrath on the teal-eyed boy standing in the entrance to the Healing Center.

"I don't think that's any of your business, is it." Grady cocked his head to one side and stared Fitz down. The cowed boy turned away and grit his teeth. 

"You want to know what we were doing, Fitz! This is what we were doing!" Sophie, fed up, grabbed the sides of Keefe's face and kissed him just as aggressively as before. The heat only grew stronger as Keefe pulled into it, amazed by Sophie's newfoud courage.

She never kissed me.

Fitz couldn't measure the helplessness and fury building inside him.

"Are you done," Fitz spat, with poison dripping from his sullen speech. Keefe held up a finger, the gimme a minute gesture. Elwin stepped out from behind the cabinets and burst out in laughter. The doctor couldn't keep a straight face as he set down the vials, his countenance contorting into crazy expressions.

Sophie and Keefe broke apart.

"Now we're done," Keefe said mock-importantly in Bronte's superior tone.

(A/N: Hope 'ya liked it! I managed to somehow fit In all the suggestions one way or another. All you lovely people deserve mallowmelt for enduring my trash. REMEMBER TO VOTE, COMMENT, AND REQUEST!! I just noticed this: espresso, expression. Like whaaa? Anyhoo, I need inspiration. Or rather memespiration, so don't be shy! Cya next time.)

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