The Ball Can Wait

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( When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath, but you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight )

A winding dirt road lay battered by hooves and carriage wheels, a well-kept stable residing against the wind at the end of it.
Hot summer air whipped through Sophie's hair, her white kidskin gloves gripping Silveny's padlock, fingers scrambling to jimmy it open with her bobby pin before she got caught. She was supposed to be at the Vacker Estate, Everglen, attending a function. 

"What do you think you're doing?" A prim voice demanded.

Sophie was the picture of innocence, delicately curtsying in her white ball gown, bobby pin slipped down her gloves. Dust motes sparkled in the fading rays of light framing her head. She could be an angel, upon first glance.

Upon the second, one would notice her muddied dress shoes and lightly sunburnt freckles. Still, they gave her an aura of purity.

"Salutations, Miss . . ."

"Heks. The owners of the stables you're currently trespassing in," the brunette said, words clipped.

She was in fitted riding gear, braid swept over her shoulder. Her boot was tapping, long legs expectantly awaiting an explanation. 

"I'm Sophie? The one who found Silveny? Your Camarillo? I missed her, so I wanted to visit while everyone was caught up with the ball at Everglen."

The girl softened the tiniest bit, lips pursed. It melted Sophie's heart the tiniest bit, seeing it.

"You're telling me you ditched the event of the year for a horse?"

The blonde blushed, looking down at her feet.


"I'm Stina," the girl said, smiling. Sophie smiled in turn.

"I'm Sophie!"

"You already said that," Stina stated matter-of-factly, unable to banish her smile from her face.

"So I did."

"Can you ride?"

Sophie brightened. Since she had been adopted, everything had been a blur of manners lessons and which fork was for salad or fish. Riding was the only thing from her common origins still encouraged.


"Would to care to go for one, then?"

Her mouth a rosebud o of surprise, Sophie stammered out an enthusiastic answer.

"I-I'd love to."

"Pick a horse and grab some tack," Stina said, opening a sleek brown horse's stall and handing Sophie the key.

The blonde quickly unlocked Silveny's stall, laughing as the horse snuffled at her neck.

"That one doesn't ride yet," Stina said, cringing. She hadn't the slightest idea why, but disappointing Sophie seemed as if it could bring about the end of the world. Or at the very least, bring the sky crashing down to topple over their heads.

"What do you mean? She let me ride her when I found her," Sophie asked, puzzled.

Stina's eyebrows shot up. 

Silveny gobbled up the banana Sophie held out to her, happy as can be.

"I'm afraid I don't ride with tack . . . If need be I can try though!"

"No, go ahead," Stina reassured her. "It depends on how you were taught, to be honest."

Nobles tended to ride with tack, while commoners rode without in the rare case where they could afford a horse. Their country liked to pretend everyone had equal rights, the same access to resources, but people rarely fell for that particular lie.

The pair led their horses out, mounting in the pearly glow of the moonlight.

"Ready?" Sophie breathed, eyes twinkling.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?"

The blonde flashed Stina a mysterious smile, the pair sprinting off into the night.

Sophie was wild, a free spirit roaming the open meadow, her hair streaming behind her as Stina threw her head back, laugh stolen by the wind. Letting go of her restraints, she leaned forward, loose, breaking to a sudden stop in front of the girl who had captured her undivided attention.

"Look up."

And they did, Sophie marveling at the clear sky full of inky blackness and sparkling constellations while Stina smiled, her secret little gaze fixed on the blonde.

"It's exquisite."


Stina wasn't looking at the sky. 

She had slid off her horse, holding out a hand for Sophie.

Silveny whinneyed, gently bucking to break her rider from her trance. Sophie was tossed into Stina's arms, her legs buckling in shock.

"Well that was unexpected," Sophie breathed, flushed, dress fanned out from her position braced on top of the only other girl who truly understood her. 


"I'm afraid I don't even know your middle name."

"It's Destry."


"You're beautiful."

"Why thank you. Will you kiss me now?"


And Stina did, become anew in a dewy meadow underneath the stars. She wanted to see Sophie again, and she hoped, desperately, that she wanted the same. Even though they had only met that evening, Stina felt she wouldn't be able to go a single day without being flooded with thoughts of her.

"We should probably go back to the ball."

"The ball can wait."

Yes, yes it could.

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