Mommy Issues | A Late April Fool's

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( I'm so sorry, now you know. Sorry I'm the one that told you so. )

It had been five weeks since Lady Gisela had re-entered Keefe Sencen's life without manipulative intentions. Two days since she had stopped carrying her shields. Eight hours since she had showed the first signs of affection.

Keefe looked up as heels tapped the burnished hardwood floors, face lighting up despite his neglectful mother. Lady Gisela swept into the empty ballroom, gazing appraisingly over the deep maroon carpet. Bronze filigree adorned balefire sconces, the iridescent blue light enchanting the space.

"Mom," he shouted, rushing over to wrap his arms around his mother, shocked as she was. Her surprised expression melted into something akin to endearment- crazy as it might be. "I love you."

Keefe's face was nestled into the crook of Lady Gisela's neck, silky blond hair side by side.

He drew back, with an expression that could only be described as sunshine. It quickly turned stony, a glare replacing the previous soft look of tenderness. Anything that could possibly be conceived as fondness had left the scene.

The door to Gisela's heart was open, and Keefe's heel was the only part left in the doorway.

"Happy April Fools."

The deadpan tone. The empty stare. Hadn't she paid the price enough? Suffering through a probe, months in the new prison- she hadn't even tried to escape! Then there were the apologies, the begging, living with an unruly healer of all things, and the ridiculous bodyguards. You would think ten would be enough, but no.

The door slammed shut, screaming on its hinges.

( You know what? Imma skip the authors note. )

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