Burning Bridges | Unlocked Special Edition Spoilers

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( Listen to both songs after reading and comment who's perspective fits them the best, Tam or Linh. )

Tam's eyes were dark with rage, shadows contorting at the edges of his vision. Linh stood strong, determination wavering though her friends were beside her. 

"I'm telling you, Glimmer helped Lady Gisela escape," she cried out. "Why won't you say anything?" Marella and Biana nodded, refuting her claims.

"I can't believe you." The shade clenched and released his fistss. "Not what you said- she told me, by the way- the fact you felt the need to confront me with our friends. Just another reason to despise 'Little Miss Neverseen,' huh. Because that's all this is. You needing justification to hate her. Oh, and yes, I know about the title you all have given her, without even trying to get to know her," Tam seethed.

Linh opened her mouth to protest, her twin beating her to it.

"No, you didn't try. You interrogated her and constantly attempted to make her put down her hood- something she is clearly uncomfortable with, due to a massive amount of trauma. Glimmer let Gisela go because she has a good heart. The woman was like a second crappy mother to her after she saw hers die."

Marella paled, grasping the gravity of everything, Biana simply looking away.


"You should go."

She knew Tam was right about all of it. But when the truth hurts, or when reality gets harsh, nobody ever wants to accept it. So Linh deflected.

"Is this what we've become," she whispered, a strangled sob caught in her throat. A single tear slipped down her cheek.

"You tell me."

In the back of her mind, Linh registered Biana glittering away, Marella murmuring that she'd wait outside. She tilted her head, a cracked smile painted on her face.


( I love writing stories where you can't quite tell who's in the wrong upon first glance. Because there isn't a wrong answer. But there isn't a right one either. )

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