A Little Bit In Love | Sophiana Songfic

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( Inspired by Taylor Swift's You Belong With Me )

All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me . . .

Sophie Elizabeth Foster. A beautiful, funny, excruciatingly cute high school junior that Biana Vacker was utterly and completely in love with. The girl would break the dumb blonde stereotype if only she would realize it. Oh, and here's the catch- Sophie happened to be dating Fitz Vacker.

Yes, that's right. Biana's older brother.

So she was doomed to pine from afar, resigned to her fate.

Which was why she was blasting her favorite songs in a sad attempt to cheer herself up. Songs she knew Fitz hated. It was petty, yes. But she was a petty little bitch.

"Turn it down, Biana! Or, you know, use your damn AirPods!"

God, life sucked.

She stared at her ceiling, splayed out on her Alaskan king bed, debating the validity of her own existence. Her cheer skirt is fanned out, white and gold catching the light as her hair cascades past her shoulders. Flying for the game today would be torture.

Keefe and Fitz were both on the football team, and Dex handled the scoreboard. So naturally, Sophie came to every game.

That was how Biana found herself at the top of a pyramid, arms in the air, looking straight at Sophie Foster. Oh, the irony. Her ponytail swung, hitting her back as she descended. She swore she was going to go deaf from the insanely loud fans.

Making her way up the bleachers, she stopped, lips next to Sophie's ear.

"Wanna get out of here?"

She stopped her halfhearted cheering, turning to face Biana.

"Yes, please."

She placed her hand in Biana's, letting herself be tugged away to the street right outside Foxfire, transfixed. If you had a beautiful girl leading you somewhere, an enchanting silhouette in the night, wouldn't you be transfixed too?

"I'm breaking up with him," Sophie blurted, stumbling forward. Biana whirled around, shocked.

"What do you mean, you're breaking up with him?"

"I mean, I'm taking our relationship to the previous level. Dumping him nicely. Friend-zoning him. How else do you want me to say it," Sophie exclaimed, waving her hands in the air.

"I . . . I thought you were happy."

She hadn't been, not really. It all seemed to come into focus under the floodlights.

It was the whole reason Biana had taken a step back in the first place. If her brother and her crush were happy together, who was she to make a move?

"It was more knowing that somebody who knew me- really knew me, and my flaws, loved me despite all of it. I was in love with being loved."

The brunette paused, stars sparkling in the sky behind her.

"It sounds like you've been thinking about this for a while."

"Yeah . . . I have been."

Sophie looked to the side, ducking behind a curtain of hair. She gazed up at Biana, big brown eyes reflecting the moon, framed by lush eyelashes.

And if it isn't another lesbian Latina cheerleader in love with a blonde girl. At this point, Biana's entire life was a Glee storyline.

"Is that . . . the only reason?'' The Vacker asked softly, hyper aware of how close Sophie was.

"Well, there might be another one," she said, coughing delicately.

"Oh yeah?"

"It may or may not involve you."

"Little old me, huh?"


"What exactly about me?" the cheerleader teased, stepping forward.

"I might be a little bit in love with you."

Sophie tilted her face up gently, unwaveringly attentive, awaiting a response.

"I just might be a little bit in love with you too," Biana whispered, throat suddenly dry.

A smile spread across Sophie's lips, angelic. Fuck, Biana was head over heels and falling fast. There didn't seem to be an end in sight.

"That's a relief," the blonde confessed, resting her forehead on Biana's. "It would have been incredibly awkward if you weren't."




Sophie laughed softly, still smiling. She curled a frayed string from her worn-out jeans around her finger absentmindedly.

Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night, I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're 'bout to cry. And I know your favorite songs, and you tell me about your dreams- I think I know where you belong, I think I know it's with me . . .

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