Holding Hands With Death

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There they were. Lucky number seven, the only Nightfall currently testing humans. Testing was much too kind a word.

And Marella was the only one who could get through the advanced Gorgodons. She walked straight through the roaring flames, a clear path to the door. Dodging claws and deadly tails, Marella rummaged around in her satchel for the vial of Keefe's blood. Dumping half the vial's contents on the keypad, the door swung open.

Bloodthirsty humans devoid of feeling scratched at her skin, attempting to strangle Marella before she emanated flames. Sending out the smoke signal, she collapsed.

Clutching her throat, Marella sucked in rasping breaths, feeling for the soon-to-be bruises on her collarbone.

Her fire fizzled out, and a human peered at her from the ceiling, where a lethal pointed pendulum was hanging. The man dropped down and stabbed Marella, again, and again, and again. As her blood drained out, the huan lost interest, stampeding with the others to where the Gorgodons were, getting promptly devoured.

Her life was trickling away, leaving Marella to die alone. She morbidly wondered how long it would take before someone found her body. Would a jaculous be feeding? Gross.

Just as she was closing her eyes, preparing for whatever comes next, she yanked out a tiny braid, cringing had no meaning anymore. Resigned to her fate, she waited for Death. But oh, the agony, Death would not come! Shadows crept over Marella. Finally! Death sure did take its time.


Yup, that's me. Take my soul or whatever and be on your way.

"Uh, it's Tam."

Great, hallucinations. Then how can you hear me, 'Tam'?

"I'm shadow-whispering, Genius." Marella mentally snorted.

The Tam I knew would never make jokes like that. He was deliciously salty. It was cute. She was already thinking of him in past tense? Tam took Marella's hand. She tried to tighten her grip, but all she managed was a sad twitch. Tam folded her fingers over his. I never thought I would be holding hands with death. Tam sighed.

"Well, if it's going to be this way, do you have any last words for me to pass on?"

Tell my mother I love her. Be gentle . . . she isn't herself right now. Tell my Dad I know.

"Know what?"

I know what he's involved in. Anyways, tell Sophie her obliviousness is torturing everybody. Tell Keefe to get a backbone-Tam snickered-Tell Linh I approve-"Of what!?!"-None of your buisness. Tell Tam I had a crush on him.


I'm basically dead, what are you, an idiot? I sh-sh-sh-s-s Dead at last.

Tam brought his knees to his chest, crying, not letting go of Marella's hand.

(Angsty and dark, as you requested , I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK THIS LONG!!! But now I'm sad cuz I have no more requests to fulfill. sigh.)

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