Crash and Burn | Shot To The Heart Pt 2

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(So it's gonna be forever~ or it's gonna go down in flames.)

Sophie knew the girl was there. The girl who was supposed to kill her. While she'd heard plenty of terrifying things before with her telepathy, she never expected to hear the news she was the target of powerful . . . elves, apparently. The girls thoughts were just so loud. Filled with denial, and regret.

That was before the blonde tried to kidnap her. And he was definitely an elf. His mind was silent, like Fitz's, with eyes a deathly blue. She was just glad Mr. Forkle came out. Sophie didn't know what she would have done otherwise. 

But now there was a teal-eyed man berating Fitz about not giving her a nexus, and all Sophie wanted to do was find the elf belonging to the voice echoing in her head. She forced herself to smile, to nod.

It got a bit weird when the attention was directed to her eyes. Though it was even weirder when she was appointed a telepathy teacher, introduced to a vanisher named Della, and the most beautiful thirteen year old girl to ever live. Really, who gave her the right?

It was when the girl spoke when things hit peak weirdness.

"Is that my dress?"

Ok, no, that's not it. It was her voice

It matched that aching, melodious tone perfectly. Biana, it seems, was an amazing actress. 

Large, dazzling teal eyes, the longest lashes Sophie had ever seen, luscious lips, and a slender neck. Her collarbones were daintily pronounced, with a brooch resting in between that could pay off an entire mansion indefinitely. 

There was no question.

This was the assassin.

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