19: Focus

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"Good afternoon, Miss Toshinori! I hope I'm not bothering you at a time like this, but would it be alright if I talk to you about some important details for your new job?" Sirius asked happily. 

'Oh crap, I completely forgot I have a new job starting tomorrow!' Izumi thought. 

"You didn't have to come here right away, you could have just told me everything in the morning, Mister Sombre" Izumi said. 

"Oh no, Miss Toshinori. As your new job and position is a lot more complex than you think." Sirius said, as he pulled out a huge stack of papers.

"What is that?" 

"These are the guidelines and rules of your new job and position, as well as future events! The contract is also at the very end once you've completed reading this." Sirius said. 

Izumi took the stack and it seemed a lot heavier than she thought. 

"Why's this so heavy?" 

"We have a lot of rules, Miss Toshinori, and I'm sure this is no problem for you since you have the right requirements to work with us." Sirius said happily. 

'Erm- more like he's trying to force me to do more labor than everyone else. Hah- we can't quit when we haven't even started working yet. Huh- wait...'

"He wants me to start my new job tomorrow, but tomorrow's Friday?" Izumi asked. 

"Yes, he wants you to at least get used to the environment before the weekend starts. This isn't a problem for you, is it, Miss Toshinori?" 

"Ah- no! I can work starting tomorrow! Wait- what time do I need to come in?" 

"Employees start to arrive at work around 8 or 8:30, and you are late if you come to work after 8:30. Everyone works until 5 or 5:30, depending on when they arrived that day. But since tomorrow is your first day and your position is a bit different from everyone else's, there will be some tasks for you to do that must be completed by the end of the day." Sirius said.

"What is my position anyway?" 

"Hmph, you are basically a second Secretary to Mister Bakugo." the greenette froze. 

"A-As... a Secretary?!?!? How is that possible?!?!" 

"Well when we looked into your history, you have the experience you need for this position, and since you went to college it isn't a problem." Sirius said. 

'Yeah, but I didn't finish college because I got into debt and a few other reasons!' Izumi thought. 

"You will be expected to meet Mister Bakugo every single day once he arrives to work and before you leave work." 

"Do I have to?" 

"These are the requirements that were made, and we cannot take them away just because you don't want to, Miss Toshinori."

"Hah- fine... anything I should know before tomorrow?" Izumi asked. 

"Ah- yes, just make sure your attire is suitable for work now, since you no longer work in a library and will be required to dress appropriately for your new job and position." Sirius said. 

'He makes it sound like I don't wear any clothes, I'm the least to worry about attire.' Izumi thought. 

"Okay, I got it." 

"Well then, I will be off and we expect you to be there bright and early tomorrow too! Have a good rest of your day, Miss Toshinori!" Sirius said with a bow and then went back to his car and drove away.

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