31: Love Shot

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( Note: If any of you have read Chapter 3 of my other fanfic; My Old Hero, then get ready because you're about to read a bit of fluff by the end of the chapter! Enjoy! )

( Back in Time slightly )

Sirius stood outside the car and waited for Katsuki to come back, but after waiting for almost 10 minutes, Sirius questioned if something happened. 

'He's not usually gone this long, unless...' Sirius thought about it and remembered when he and Katsuki walked out of the company earlier and asked Katsuki if he was okay since he was staring at something. 

"Ah- no, I'm fine." 

And Sirius looked to see what Katsuki was staring at before and saw the greenette walking back into the company. 

'I'm sure Miss Toshinori is just wanting to finish her hours for the day, but... for Katsuki to go right back in and 10 minutes have passed is strange.'

He was wondering if he should go back inside to see if something bad happened, but his phone buzzed in his pocket. 

He was a bit surprised to see it was from Katsuki. 

I'm fine, I'll drive myself home since I forgot to take care of something. 

'He forgot to take care of something? Hmm, it must be something to do with Miss Toshinori, but... I won't worry about it. Since it seems Katsuki has some kind of feelings for her, but I highly doubt he's realized it yet.' he thought, as he got back in the car and drove off.

( Back to Izumi and Katsuki )

"Hah- well since you and I just got off... Do you need a drink?" Izumi froze, and soon jerked her head up to see how serious he was. 

"Ah- huh?"

"Hah- that feels much better!" Izumi exclaimed after taking a long chug of beer.

Katsuki sat next to her and just watched as her face lit up with delight, and though she wasn't paying attention to him, he was and he made a subtle smile from how relieved she looked. 

"I never really find the time to drink like this anymore. I'm always busy and constantly having to pay for things. So going to a bar to drink has never been something I can do regularly anymore." Izumi said, pouring herself a shot of Sake and drinking it straight away.

"What do you mean you're constantly paying for things?" Katsuki asked. 

"Oh- I'm in debt to the college I went to, and because I'm so much in debt, I quit college and am still forced to pay for my past classes. I was just a few credits from graduating too, but after a series of unfortunate events, I quit." Izumi said, and drank another shot. 

'She quit college?' 

"And then I'm still having to pay all the people that work at the mansion since they all were told to stay until I sell the house or something. And then all the hospital bills from all the accidents I was involved in right after I graduated high school. And then... the Chemo..." 

Katsuki perked up when he heard that and looked down at her.


"Ah- just hearing me say all that just gives me a headache! And now I'm starting to write my next novel, but every time I try to write, someone or something gets in the way! And I'm constantly having to go on dates when I just want to get some sleep! Hah- I feel like since that day in high school, nothing seems to work for me. Now everything is falling apart in front of me; my home, my job, my heart... if only I didn't hear what he said that day, then none of this bad stuff would've happened. I'm nothing but a bad omen..." Izumi mumbled and took another shot.

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