99: Falling For You

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Izumi couldn't help but stare at the tickets Emra gave her, just knowing that she could actually do something eventful with Katsuki made her feel excited. 

'Me and Kacchan can do something special for Christmas this year. Hmm... but I still have these other 2 tickets that I need to give away, but who should I give them to?' Izumi thought and tried to think of people that would be more than willing to go. 

"Ma'am, where do you want me to put these new study guides? ... Ma'am? Ma'am~" 

Polaris walked up to the greenette and snapped his fingers to get her attention. 


"Huh? O-Oh Polaris, I didn't know you were there. Sorry, what were you asking me?" Izumi asked.

"I was asking where I should put the new study guides." 

"Oh, right. Just leave them there, I'll find a spot for them later." Izumi said. 

Polaris could tell something was on the greenette's brain. He looked down to see she was still holding the tickets out as clear as day. 

"Wow, you got tickets to go there for Christmas, ma'am?" Polaris asked. 

"Ack! Who said you could ask me that?!?" 

"Well you held them out like you wanted to show me. So are you going with Mr. Bakugo?" 

"M-Mn! My cousin, Emra, gave them to me for me and Kacchan to spend Christmas together. Ha- but the problem is that I still have 2 more tickets that I need to give to somebody. Wait- why don't you and Regulus come?" Izumi asked.

"I would love to, ma'am, but I had already agreed to spend time with my family, Regulus too." 

"Oh darn, who should I give these to then?" Izumi asked, looking at the tickets again. 

"Hmm... this might sound like a strange suggestion, but I've got an idea on who you could give one of them to at least." Polaris said. 

"Really? Who?" 

"Miss Iris." Izumi froze. 


"Yes ma'am, me and Regulus know that she's been working really hard lately since that incident involving you. She hasn't taken a vacation anywhere in a while, so try and have her go with you." Polaris said. 

'Iris, huh? That doesn't sound like a bad idea to have her come, but who else should I invite to-' 

Izumi stopped thinking for a second and remembered something she said months ago to someone.

"I'll keep your secret hidden, I won't tell anyone." Izumi said. "S-Secret? What secret?" "That you still love Iris." Sirius froze. "I-I don't understand what you're talking about, Miss Toshinori. I don't love-" "Yes you do, when you were talking about her earlier, I could tell you still love her. But I can tell that she still doesn't realize how you truly feel towards her. So because I'm close friends with her, I won't tell her anything about you or how you feel towards her. And if I keep this secret for you, then will you promise to keep a secret for me?"

'Back then it was just a secret between me and Mister Sombre... and thinking back to when he talked about Iris to me... maybe I can ask him to go with us to be Iris' date? Hmph, yes, we should absolutely do that! But wait- wouldn't Iris immediately say no if she found out Mister Sombre was going? And I'm sure Mister Sombre is still trying to hide his feelings for Iris and wouldn't want to go if I told him... What to do... Ah- I got it! I'll just ask Iris to come with me and Mister Sombre to come with Kacchan and we'll meet each other there and then... It should work! Now to tell Kacchan first and let the surprise unfold on it's own!' Izumi thought and got excited. 

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