86: Be Mean

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( Small Time Skip! )

It'd been 2 weeks since Izumi and Katsuki had that small fight, only for them to make up, but things seemed to be going smoothly for the both of them. 

And though Katsuki was busy at his company, he'd make sure to let the greenette know, so she'd end up visiting Uraraka at the high she was teaching when she was done with her college classes for the day. 

That was when Izumi told Uraraka that she was in a relationship now. 

"You're dating someone, since when?" 

"It's been a couple months now, but since I've been so busy with my school and working at the library, I haven't been able to see you." Izumi said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Aw really? Wait- what do you mean you've been busy with school?" Uraraka asked. 

"O-Oh... I actually went back to college, since I had to drop out because of my financial issues, I didn't finish to graduate. But now that I don't have that issue, I went back and have been taking classes. I'm lucky they let me keep all my credits since it's been almost 3 years since the last time I went to college." Izumi said. 

"I didn't know you dropped out! Is that why I never saw you at school that last semester before I graduated? But I thought you said you were taking a break?" Uraraka asked. 

"Yeah, more like a 3 year break, but at least I'm trying to finish." Izumi said.

"So what're you majoring in, still English?" Uraraka asked. 

"Yeah, since I've been writing a lot recently, I thought it could help me if I actually get a degree for it." 

"So does that mean you'll want to teach it too?" Uraraka asked, she froze. 

"You mean... teach English... like at a school?" Izumi asked. 

"Why wouldn't I be asking? I always liked the way you helped me and our classmates in college a lot. And your notes were always so thoroughly organized, so why don't you?" Uraraka asked. 

"I-I don't know, you know my people skills aren't all that great." 

"What're you talking about? You have great people skills, Izumi!" 

"But it's been 3 years since I really did stuff like that." 

"It doesn't mean you lost them, you just haven't had to use them in a while. Oh yeah, and I heard from one of my students that you managed to speak up for him when it came to our baseball team?" Uraraka asked.

"Ah- you must be talking about Kota, did he share that with the entire class?" 

"Pretty much, but that was the most I'd seen Kota talk. I'm sure that if you do change your mind and want to do teaching, you'd be pretty good at it. I'm sure you'd do a great job, Izumi." Uraraka said happily. 

"Teaching... I'll think about it..." Izumi mumbled. 

"Just don't think about it too long, I'm sure there's something other than writing that you like to do, right?" Uraraka asked. 

"I... don't know... maybe... I can't really think of anything else I like to do! Arg- why can't I think about this?" Izumi said, looking frustrated. 

"I was just asking, no need to push you. It's never too late to start a new career, just as long as you enjoy it." Uraraka said.

"Erm- I know... are you sure I'm okay to be on campus and in your classroom, Uraraka? I feel like I'm trespassing." Izumi said. 

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