38: Kickin It

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"Wow Izumi! You look so cute!!!" Mina said, sounding excited. 

"Yeah, since when did you have this style?" Kaminari asked. 

"Just recently... I'm still not used to it." Izumi said. 

"Oh I get it! You're trying to impress someone aren't you~?" Mina teased. Izumi instantly turned red, and had to adjust her square specs with embarrassment. 

"What? No! Why would you think that?!?!" Izumi asked. 

"Huh- I wonder where Bakugo it, he isn't usually late to work." Kirishima said. 

"Oh- that's because he's not going to be here." Izumi said, they all looked at her. 

"How do you know that?" Sero asked.

"Uh- I- Mister Sombre reported it to me a few days ago! He said he wouldn't be back until Thursday!" Izumi said, trying to cover her mistake. 

"Till Thursday huh? Sounds like we can find some free time this week!" Kaminari said. 

'I don't really think they should be excited Kacchan's not here.' Izumi thought, remembering what he told her Saturday after he brought her home from the banquet. 

"Are you thinking that if I'm not in the office, you don't need to show up?" 

'Kacchan's got eyes in the back of his head, I would be screwed financially if I decide not to work this week. It's already hard for me since I won't see Kacchan as Emily either since he messaged me before I left the airport.' Izumi thought.

( Flashback )

'Just this feeling... I want to like him, but my past is what's forcing me to tell myself that I can't. I want to like Kacchan again... but I can't.' 

Just as she was about to shift the Gear Shift, she felt her phone buzz and she looked to see it was Katsuki. 

Going on a business trip, so I won't be back until Thursday. But we can meet up Friday night. 

Izumi felt her chest get warm, but then she remembered he was messaging Emily not Izumi. 

'Not until Friday... I should be fine by then. Maybe me and Shoto can meet more this week since Kacchan won't be here.' Izumi thought. 

She only thought this would be a good idea since it could get her thoughts away and she would be distracted by something else.

( Back to Present, along with a Time Skip! Sorry! )

The days passed by for the greenette faster than she thought and it was finally Friday. 

'Kacchan should be back from his business trip, which means he should be coming in today and- wait- what am I thinking?!?! I shouldn't be thinking about stuff like that! I need to focus on writing more chapters and sending them to Azalea since I've been so distracted this entire week!' Izumi thought.

Throughout the past few days, Izumi has had lunch with Shoto, dinner with her coworkers and had spare time to visit Uraraka at the school she's teaching at. 

Through it all, she hasn't heard or gotten a single message or call from Katsuki. 

She tried not to think of it that way, things had changed between them and it's not like the blond recognized her, not yet at least. 

Just as she was about to go on her lunch break and meet up with Shoto, she saw Mina running up to her. 

"Ashido? Is something wrong?" Izumi asked. 

"Izumi! You gotta help me! They followed me!" Mina said, hugging the greenette.

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