68: Karma

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Izumi followed her old bully outside where it was quiet and maybe no one could hear their conversation. 

"Wow Midoriya, I'm really surprised you actually showed up to the Reunion." she said. 

"I-I am too..." 

"Really? But I'm even more surprised... to know that you and Bakugo never dated?" 

Izumi knew exactly what this was all about. Her bully was going to bring up the bet. 

"No, we didn't. We... haven't talked again until recently." Izumi said. 

"Oh wow, I didn't expect to hear that, but I'm sure you think you're off the hook don't you?" Izumi looked up at her bully.

"We tried looking for you after we all graduated, but it seemed like you were off the map. So Midoriya, where were you for the past 7 years?" 

Izumi knew this was coming, but she had to stay calm. 

"I was... in Japan, but I was doing multiple things." Izumi said. 

"Really? That sounds interesting. You went into hiding... and Bakugo became known as the most successful businessman in all of Japan. It seems like the roles have changed from what they were in high school, as we all thought you were gonna be more successful than him. Hmph, I don't even know why or how you liked that guy." 

Izumi continued to stand there and say nothing. 

"He's heartless, rude, a hot head, and many other things, so why was he always around you and what made you like him?" she asked, still no answer from the greenette. 

"Arg- I DON'T GET IT!!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SEE IN THAT GUY?!?!?!" she yelled.

Katsuki froze, he thought he heard something coming from outside, and he wasn't the only one who heard it. 

"What's up, Bakugo?" 

Katsuki didn't answer as he immediately assumed something was wrong with Izumi. 

"Huh? Bakugo, where're you going?" 

Katsuki started walking to where Izumi was leaving earlier and he stopped right at the exit to see Izumi and her bully still standing across from each other. 

"Why aren't you answering me?!?!?" she yelled. 

Katsuki looked to see Izumi didn't look scared, as she just accepted each and every yell coming at her. 

"Tch- if I didn't have to see him acting so nice to you and spouting nonsense then I wouldn't have changed that bet in our third year! But I only did it because I was sick and tired of seeing you two acting like you two were the only ones on the planet!" she yelled, Katsuki froze.


Katsuki thought and remembered what Izumi said the night he found who she really was. 

"I'm not lying! The only reason I became friends with you was because of a stupid bet! I made a bet with our classmates that I would stay your friend all through high school just so they wouldn't bully me after we graduated." 

'So it really was because of a bet.' Katsuki thought.

"And then you ended up talking to yourself in the bathroom that day and I heard it!" she yelled. 

Izumi looked up at her, what did she say? 

"That day? What day?" 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! You went to the bathroom and were talking to yourself and telling yourself you were going to confess that you like Bakugo!" she yelled, both Izumi and Katsuki froze. 

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