113: Criminal

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Izumi slowly woke up and could feel her body stinging and cold, she looked down to see her body was soaking wet in her own blood. The stench was worse than before and it was almost burning her nose and eyes. Her stomach and legs were covered in scars and stitches and her arms were tired of hanging above her head. 

'I gotta get out of here, but how? It doesn't help that I've been having to act like I'm hypnotized, it just hurts even more. And then...' 

Izumi remembered all the pain she felt from all the touches to her body and it made her start crying. 

'What did I do to deserve this? This hurts so much and I'm so tired that I can't even lift my head.' she thought and remembered there was a new strip of duct tape covering her mouth.

'I wanna leave this place... I don't wanna be here and around her anymore... I just wanna see Kacchan.' Izumi thought, as a tear streamed down her face. 

"Are you awake, Izuku?" 

Izumi jolted her eyes to see Toga standing in front of her and was blushing more than usual. 

"Hah- I forgot how pretty you are when you're crying too. Oh, you must be crying tears of joy to see me, right?" Toga asked. 

Izumi remained calm, even though she felt the blonde's touch and it burned her skin worse than anything she's felt before. 

'Toga... you monster.'

"Welp I gotta go into town today, but I'll be back as soon as I can. Don't worry, I'll be able to play with you as long as you want when I come back. Hah-" 

Toga paused and slid her hand up to the greenette's neck. 

"You're so pretty like this, I just wanna hold you down and do so many fun things with you. You'd enjoy them too, but that'll have to wait until I'm done making you perfect." Toga said, sliding her fingers onto Izumi's collarbone and smiling again. 

"I'll be back soon, so stay and be a good doll and wait for me." Toga said, as she turned around and left the warehouse.

Izumi looked around the room as best she could and could tell this place was a place Toga had been living and using for a long time. 

'From what I gathered in all the things while acting unconscious... She's been living here since she was in high school. She kept saying how much she'd been watching me from afar and finally got to come this far with me. I heard her say that she would try and find a replacement of me, but because they wouldn't live up to her expectations...' 

Izumi turned her head and saw the stains of blood everywhere.

'She would kill them... she really is a murderer, so does this mean she'll kill me too? No... she said she'd known me since we were in middle school and since she tried to find people to replace me... then she'll just torture me. And I can tell she wouldn't want to kill me since she's been cutting me and then sowing the cuts soon after. Though she's crazy to cut me this much, she knows how to clean and fix a wound. And though the wounds will get infected... she will apologize because it hurts me. I still don't know how or why she sees me as a doll and not as a human being. Was she hurt in some way like me when she was little? I don't even wanna think about that right now. Right now... I need to find a way to escape and get out of her clutches.' Izumi thought.

"That's the warehouse?" 

"Yup, but it looks like there's a lot of security around it for it to be abandoned. Which means there has to be someone living there for the security to work." Iris said. "Do we know if Toga's in there?" Katsuki asked. 

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