66: Stay Up

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"The door... it won't open."

Katsuki froze, not what he wanted to hear, so he quickly walked up to the door and tried to push, but it wouldn't open. 

He tried to pull, but that wouldn't work either. 

"What the hell? How did-" 

"It opened easily when I opened it a minute ago." Izumi said. 

"Hah- this has to be a set up, someone locked up in." Katsuki said. 

'Locked us in?!?! Why would someone do that, and what for?!?!' Izumi yelled in her head. 

"Are there any other doors that can let us out?" Izumi asked. 

Katsuki looked around the room, but because of how steamy it was in there, he could barely see anything around him besides the greenette. 

"Doesn't look like it. They must've locked the door after you came in here. Do you have your phone on you?" Katsuki said. 

"No, since I knew I wasn't gonna be here that long, I left it in my room. Did you leave yours too?" Katsuki only sighed.

"So... what should we do?" Izumi asked. 

"Hah- we'll just have to wait it out, I'm sure the others will be wondering where we are." Katsuki said. 

'Wait in here... with Kacchan?!?! This is a complete setup!!!' Izumi yelled in her head. 

Izumi sat down and felt so embarrassed knowing that she was stuck in a room with her old high school friend and crush. 

'Oh geez... why do I keep seeing things that somehow have to do with a make-out session in a bath house?!?!? Now's not the time for me to be thinking of inspiration ideas for my novel or anything of that matter!?!?' Izumi yelled in her head.

"Hmph, this kinda reminds of when we were in high school." Katsuki said. 

"Eh? Now's not the time to be making jokes!" Izumi yelled. 

"You don't remember that? On the trip, we got locked in the supply room for the night." Izumi froze. 

"We... I-" 

"Now that I think about it, that one was a setup too." Katsuki said. 

'That time... I was so stupid to listen to everyone and was worried that Kacchan needed my help. I only ended up making us have to sleep the entire night in that supply room.'

( Flashback )

Izuku woke up in the middle of the night and went to get something to drink, but she wasn't expecting to see some of her classmates still awake and in the lounge. 

"Is everything okay?" Izuku asked. 

"Oh Midoriya... we need your help!" one of them yelled. 

"M-My help? With what?" 

"We heard noises coming from the supply room, we didn't know what or who it was!" 

"It was so scary, do you think you can look and see what it is?" another asked. 

'Wait- they want me to go into a dark room to see if there's a person in there?' Izuku thought. 

"A-Any reason why it has to be me exactly?" 

"Can you please, Midoriya? We tried asking some of the guys, but even they were scared of going in there!" Izuku sighed, she knew she would face some kind of torment if she didn't go and see what it was. 

"Hah- fine, I'll go and check it out." Izuku said and walked away from the girls to find the supply room.

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